The Chinese school in Khai's class was missing a teacher. I've been with pre-school for 2 years while Xander and Khai were in the class plus I sub Khai's class 3 times last year, so I basically know how teacher presented her class. Furthermore, I know I can borrow all the teaching materials and toys from previous teacher, a Chinese school teacher therefore produced in our family.
I had to make sure that I got all the materials ready before 1st day of school. Kids and I had fun visiting dollar stores and picking up fun toys. I told Khai that he had to be very good in class because he is my little class helper from now on; Xander was jealous and said he wanted to be my class helper as well although he goes to different class than Khai.
I dressed in a nice shirt and picked up Wendy sandwitch to eat on the way to school; somehow a big drop of ketchup and mayo sauce dropped on my shirt. I went to school and hurried to wipe them off, too late, a big wet spot stayed there. Luckyly it was at the bottom of the shirt that I can tuck my shirt in the jeans and hide it with my teacher badge.
The class went pretty smooth and I got to meet new students with their parents. It was Chinese Full Moon Festival that night so we went out to see the moon and had some snacks. I think I did o.k. for the first night, but I was extremally hot. I don't know if it's the hot weather or I was too nervous. I heard another new teacher said she feel pretty hot as well. Must be both reasons.
話說今年中文學校,煒勳的那班還少中文老師,學校要家長們出來幫忙. 我想說我已經跟了傑升跟煒勳上了2年的課,很熟悉老師的上課方式再加上我可以跟老師借講義及上課用的道具,就大膽的跟學校遞了我的履歷表.經過了一小時的電話面談, 我很幸運的當上了中文學校的學前班老師.說實話可能是因為沒有其他家長想要出來教吧.
我告訴煒勳他現在開始要好好好表現,因為他是我的小班長. 傑升一聽到就很嫉妒的說他也要當我班上的小班長,可是哥哥你是上別班的吶. 好吧,那要正式上課之前先去買好玩的玩具,下課後可以發給小朋友. 2個小朋友這邊這個好,那邊那個好,還一直問回家可不可以馬上玩. 哥哥跟弟弟幫我把禮物包好準備開學送給小朋友們.
終於是上學的第一天了. 媽媽我穿著乾淨的衣服開車帶小朋友去上課. 路途中買了漢堡來吃, 啊,一大片的蕃茄醬加美乃滋掉到我衣服上了. 到了學校趕快去廁所用溼紙巾擦一擦, 呀, 擦不掉啦..還好, 溼的地方還蠻下面的,可以塞進褲子裡再加上個老師的掛牌就看不到了.
第一次正式當老師好緊張哦.我的臉好熱,說話也說的很快. 第一班的小朋友是3~4歲. 班上有一半的學生在家不講中文或父母是外國人/ABC, 看他們一臉漠然的看著我, 只好自己放慢速度慢慢教. 一轉眼, 第一班就這樣上完了.第二班是給4~5歲的小朋友,他們比較大一點比較快進入情況. 先簡短的自我介紹就跟他們講嫦娥奔月的故事及帶他們到外面去賞月..第一個禮拜就這樣混過去了.
A year in review
10 years ago
I bet you were great! Sounds like you were very prepared and you are familiar with the school and children so I'm sure you were fantastic.
As far as the heat thing goes - I'm the first to tell you that your body temperature rises when you are teaching. It's just part of the deal. The fact that I'm always warmer than everyone else in the first place just adds to the heat. Welcome to my world! :0)
Thanks for the frebreze tip! I completely forgot about that stuff. I sprayed it this morning, and it worked instantly. No more stinky smell!
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