This year Khai is going to kindergarten at the same school as Xander. Khai had been looked forward to this day for a long time. He got up early and dressed himself without being asked. Both boys ate breakfast happily and we took them to school. We were there early, so they had a chance to chat with friends and talk to their teacher.
Pei-I wasn't used to have the quiet house all by herself. Xander and Khai were doing great at the first day of school, according to their teacher. Khai loved his school.
p.s. We pulled Xander's 4th tooth last night.
今天煒勳就要去哥哥的學校上幼稚園囉. 煒勳期待了好久, 整個暑假都在問什麼時候可以去上學. 到學校上課讓他覺得他長大了, 是個大男生. 今天早上他是第一個起床的,不用叫他就會自己換上學校的制服. 哇, 2 個小朋友很興奮,都乖乖的吃早餐還很快就準備好了. 在學校外面很多小朋友排隊準備去自己的班上上課.
整天沒有人在家吵我還真有點不習慣呢. 下午去接他們時, 2 個小朋友笑咪咪的跟我說今天上課好玩多好玩. 今天沒有功課. 如果每天都像第一天上課那麼興奮就好了.
註: 昨天拔了傑升的第4顆牙齒.
It was raining outside, that's why there were spots on their shirt. 哦, 外面在下面, 所以衣服沾到車子有點溼溼的.
A year in review
10 years ago
Wow! They are so grown up! What cute, cute boys!
The first day of school is always exciting! They both look so cute and thrilled with being back in school. Hope it's a good year for them - and mom and dad :0)
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