October had been a busy and exciting month for Xander. He turns 8 this month, so no more booster seat in the car. He also going to be baptized few days after his birthday. One week after his baptism will be Halloween.
哇, 今年十月份對傑升來講是很忙的一個月份. 他今年滿8歲所以坐車時不用再坐在安全座椅上. 然後隔幾天他就要受洗, 再隔了一個禮拜就是萬聖節. 夠忙了吧.
As usual, we searched the Internet and found this cute cup cake decoration. Can you tell what they are? 照往例, 我們上網找圖片看要做什麼要的蛋糕給班上同學吃. 你猜得出這是什麼嗎?
Hmm... What kind of wish shall I make? 嗯, 要許什麼願呢?
Wow, I got a present too? 煒勳: 我也有禮物哦?!. 太棒了.
Birthday clip 生日快樂影片
Xander's baptism. Make sure that we take pictures of the 2 brothers.傑升的受洗. 趕快邀弟弟來拍張相片.
Our family is so far away, so we thought maybe not many people stayed for Xander's baptism, boy I was wrong. The chairs in the room were full and many church members / friends stayed to support Xander and us. We were really touched. Xander asked Pei-I to give a talk about baptism, Pei-I was very moody and cried like a baby. It was a very sweet and warm baptism. Xander received a journal from the bishop to write down the feelings about his baptism. I showed Xander my baptism program 11 years ago and encourged him to write down his feelings today, so he can share that with his grandchildren later on.
由於我們2方的家人都住的很遠, 所以我們想當天的受洗大概沒有什麼人吧. 結果出於意料我們教會好多人都留下來觀看傑升的受洗, 讓我們好感動. 傑升要我在受洗典禮上講話, 我那天很感動, 一邊講一邊哭,有點丟臉. 不過整體來說, 整個典禮很溫馨. 主教給了傑升一本日記, 希望他可以把當天洗禮的體驗都寫下去. (我秀給傑升看我11 年前洗禮時的節目單.希望他20年後也可以秀給他的子孫們看.)
A year in review
10 years ago
WOW! It's hard for me to believe he can be 8 already! Looks like it was a wonderful day. Wish we could have been there to share in that important day :0( But, I'm so glad you had such a good representation from ward and friends.
I love the cool skull cupcakes! Creepy and cool - how can you go wrong there? Especially with boys.
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