Xander's upper front tooth just fell last week and now another front tooth is losing too. This will be the 6th tooth so far.
傑升上排的門牙上禮拜剛掉, 現在另一顆門牙也快掉下來了. 可以看到門牙掉了一半, 可是用力拔時傑升一直喊痛我們就沒有再繼續拔.
Can you see the tooth is almost fall. 牙齒快要掉囉.
Xander was eating cereal and suddently very excited showing his tooth to me. Apparently the tooth fell to his mouth while he ate the cerea. Luckly he didn't swallow it; otherwise tooth fairy wouldn't come visit.
12/5/09 早上吃早餐時, 傑升很興奮的跑來說他的牙齒掉了. 說他在吃飯時突然覺得硬硬的, 一看竟然是他的門牙. 還好有馬上吐出來, 要不然牙齒仙子就不能來了.
How do you like my smile without the front teeth? 沒有門牙的我笑的是不是很可愛?
Another goofy smile. 煒勳你為什麼笑的那麼賊?
A year in review
10 years ago
Such cute boys! I loved seeing what you guys have been up to--looks like fun! We were in SLC over Thanksgiving break. It sounds like you're there right now! Wish we could have planned our trips at the same time! Have fun!
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