Sean's flight was on Saturday, so boys and I took him to the airport and said goodbye. Xander was so sad right after Sean walked into the gate but Khai comforted Xander saying "we'll see daddy again in 14 days". We took the bullet train home and met my sister at the station. She took us to a Japanese restaurant right inside the train station that had dishes passing by on a belt. Every dish costs about US $1 each and they were so yummy. Kids had fun seeing food passing by but we warmed them that they cannot touch every dish and had to pick big dish that will stuff their tummy.
肖恩的班機是禮拜六, 我和小朋友們送他去桃園機場. 哥哥一看到爸爸出關就突然眼淚掉了下來說他好想爸爸而弟弟則是一臉很無愁的說再10多天就可以看到爸爸了. 大姐說要去車站接我們回來順便在車站的日本餐廳吃晚餐. 哇, 這裡的料理每盤都是30元放在轉盤上轉. 小朋友們拿東西拿的很高興, 我叫他們要拿大盤一點的或是較可以填飽肚子的, 不要拿一小盤沒幾樣東西. 我們吃旳很高興.
Wow, there are so many yummy dishes. Which one shall I pick?
好多好好吃的菜哦, 要挑那一盤?
Xander is eating raw shrimps. 傑升在吃生蝦子.
My sister, Chris, discovered a place at Ken-Ting last year that was unknown to the public, so her family drove 2 hours to show us this place. Unlike having tons of tourists on the other side of the beach, this area had only few people and scuba diving trainers near by. Kids enjoyed playing water and discovering creatures.
大姐去年在墾丁找到了一個很少人知道的海灘, 這次他們全家開了2個多小時的車帶我們去墾丁玩. 的確這邊是很少人, 水又淺,所以小朋友可以盡情的玩水.
Oh no, my slipper.. 呀, 我的拖鞋漂走了.
Nice view
A year in review
10 years ago