There are several traditions on the day of Dragon Boat Festival: eat rice dumplings, sitting up eggs and watching dragon boat racing. Sean went home several days prior to the Dragon Boat Festival, so he didn't get to experience that. It was a very hot day, and we all went out to the hallway at noon and sitting up the eggs. It was hard and took patience to do that, but kids had so much fun doing that with family and were so proud of sitting up the eggs. Of course Khai cracked one egg.
端午節這天傳統要吃粽子, 掛香包, 立雞蛋和看龍舟競賽. 今年剛好我們回台灣有碰到端午節(可惜肖恩提早了幾天回去而沒有碰上), 所以為娘的我當然要很用力的吃好多粽子. 中午時大姐叫大家到外面去立雞蛋. 我和大姐為了要讓小朋友們有特別的記憶,所以我們作弊, 找了地上有洞的地方開始立雞蛋然後秀給小朋友們看. 看小朋友們凝心聚神的立雞蛋實在很有趣. 後來小朋友們不小心打破了幾顆蛋. 碎碎平安.
Khai worked very hard. 煒勳很認真的在試.
Yes, I made it. 我立起來了耶!
We got it too. It was very hot outside, you can feel that by looking at Xander's face.
哥哥和小黑寶寶也立起來了. 那天中午時好熱哦, 看哥哥的表情就知道.
My sister Chris took us to see the dragon boat racing in the evening. It used to held at noon, but they changed to evening due to the hot weather. It was hard to find a good spot to see the boats, but boys had lots of fun cheering for everyone.
我姐特地載我們去看划龍舟. 怕太靠近時會大塞車所以我們車子停在大老遠的地方徒步去看. 晚上看划龍舟的確是涼快多了. 小朋友們第一次看划龍舟覺得很有趣. 後來實在是太熱了所以我們就打道回府了. 我也不記得上次現在看划龍舟是什麼時候了...
A year in review
10 years ago
That egg standing thing looks hard. Why do you do that? Does it have some historical meaning?
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