A church friend who just moved to our ward called us the night before Christmas Eve and asked if we can watch her 5 kids on Christmas Eve, so her husband could have the kidney stone removed. With parents and Sean staying home and nothing planned that day, I told her that we definitely will watch her kids. After picking up the kids from friend's house, mommy and I made carmel popcorn ball while kids were watching a movie. Kids loved their new treat. Kids and us then went out and delivered goodies to our neighbors. We sang songs when the door was opened, but then decided to shorten our song for the next door because the first one was way too long.
Our friend called and said she had to take her husband back to the E.R. due to the unbearable pain. She showed up an hour later to take the kids home for dinner and planned to head to the hospital again that night.
We cooked mommy's clam chowder and Sean's Manhattan clam chowder that night. It was fun to have 2 different kind of chowders for dinner. We went to the hospital after dinner, Sean and dad gave that brother a blessing. He was released to go home few hours after our visit that night.
It was a very long day for us, but we felt very good inside because we helped that family and we were having so much fun with their beautiful children. We were so grateful that parents and Sean were home and helped entertaining kids.
On Christmas morning, parents and us came down first to see kids' exciting expressions. Kids were amazed to see so many presents under the tree. We opened presents one by one and parents were having fun seeing what kind of toys kids got. Sean got an iHome station, Xande got a boom box + legos, Khai got a Leap Frog Tag + legos, Pei-I got a food mill, some clothes and lotions. Daddy got a wallet and a blanky that was made by Pei-I and mommy got a winter hat.
We enjoyed grandma's cinnamon roll for breakfast. Yum.
在聖誕夜前夕, 一位剛搬到我們這的教會朋友打電話問我們可不可以看她的5個孩子因為她先生有膽結石要在隔天動手術拿掉. 尤於我們在隔天沒有安排任何活動, 問了一下肖恩跟公婆, 他們都說沒有問題, 所以就答應了這位朋友. 當小朋友們在看卡通時, 婆婆教我做焦糖爆米花, 趁它們黏黏的時候趕快弄成一粒粒的大球..看完了卡通小朋友就有現成的爆米花球可以吃了.
我們家通常會在聖誕節時做一些點心送給朋友及附近的鄰居. 剛好有這麼多小朋友就順便出去外面送點心好了. 我們想好了要唱那一首歌, 可是在唱完第一家後就決定要換短一點的, 因為第一首歌太長了, 人家的門要開好久,暖氣都跑出來了..唱完了4 家後再回家繼續玩別的遊戲. 餵了他們一些簡單的午餐後就讓他們看另一部電影.
朋友打電話說她本來要載她老公回家然後來接小朋友們回家, 可是她一到家後老公疼的受不了, 又轉頭回急診室. 一個小時後她滿臉倦容的來接小朋友. 邀她留下來吃晚餐, 她說要趕快帶小朋友回家吃些東西然後要回醫院去看老公. 真是可憐吶.
聖誕夜婆婆煮了她每年必煮的濃蛤蜊湯, 我們喝了湯後決定去醫院看這家人...他們帶了一些禮物到醫院和他們的爸爸一起拆禮物...公公及肖恩給了他一個祝福, 結果他竟然幾個小時後就可以回家了.
我們當晚回家後大家都累的攤在沙發上, 雖然是很忙的一天可是我們覺得很充實很快樂, 因為我們很高興朋友請我們幫忙照顧小孩. 我們搬了很多次家, 能瞭解他們的感受. 剛搬到一個人生地不熟的地方, 遇到緊急的事情只能找教會的教友幫忙. 能在聖誕夜做一件好事是非常愉快的感受. 我們也機會教育小朋友能夠幫助別人是一件好事.
到了聖誕節當天, 大人們先到樓下去坐著等著看小朋友們驚喜的表情. 他們一下樓看到樹下有許多禮物都好興奮..我們一次拆一個禮物以便觀看那人收到什麼禮物. 今年肖恩收個一個喇叭, 肖升有一個收音機和積木, 煒勳有教育玩具和積木, 我收到了一些衣服, 乳液和做罐頭用的器具. 我做了一個毛毯給公公, 也買了一個帽子給婆婆..能夠和家人一起過聖誕節真好.
A year in review
10 years ago
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