This year my parents-in-law decided to take the train and come to our house to celebrate Christmas and New Year with us. This is the first time that we have family come over to celebrate Christmas and we are very excited about parents' coming. We cleaned Khai's room very good and threw away bunch of warn out toys and books. The house was all clean and ready for parents to arrive.
Parents' train took off from Salt Lake City and the train was delayed 2 hours due to the bad weather. We kept calling parents on and off to make sure that they were doing fine. Parents said their room in the train was small but was able to get some sleep. People on the train was very nice to them and their meals was covered. They were enjoying their view from the big window. There was a big storm so the train was stopped at Iowa due to bad conditons of the track. Parents was late for their connection at Chicago at that point. 6 hours past the estimated arrival time at Chicago, the Amtrak company sent parents on the bus at mid night heading to Jackson. They arrived Jackson at 5:15 am and Sean went to the station to pick them up. Yeah, parents finally arrived our house safely. After short greeting, we sent both exhausted parents to bed. That night we found out on the news that the train they supposed to catch from Chicago was stopped for 11 hours due to bad weater and system failure. It must be a blessing that they somehow skipped tha connection.
今年我公婆決定要來我們家和我們一起過聖誕節及新年, 因為他們很想看孫子們拆禮物時欣喜的表情. 於是呢我們就來個全家大掃除, 把煒勳的房間整理的非常乾淨, 順便整理掉舊的及壞掉的書和玩具.
公婆開了3個小時到鹽湖城去坐火車, 他們買的是有床舖的私人房間. 很小的一個房間有床, 一個大窗子可以看外面. 公婆說車上的人對他們很好, 有水及柳澄汁讓你喝. 三餐也都包含在票價裡了. 可是他們來的那幾天正好碰上大風雪, 在幾個地方火車被迫停下修理鐵軌. 他們本來要接芝加哥6點的火車, 可是火車誤點的很嚴重根本就搭不上下一班火車..當他們於半夜抵達芝加哥後, 鐵路公司幫他們安排坐野雞車到我們家附近..肖恩再去接他們回來...簡短的寒暄後就請公婆先去休息..幸好他們平安抵達我們家...當天晚上看新聞時才知道他們本來要搭的下一班火車因為天氣不好及系統出問題, 竟然在半路中停了11個小時, 還不准乘客下火車呢. 還好公婆沒有搭上那班火車.
A year in review
10 years ago
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