I've seen so many nice video clips from family and friends' blogs, but our camera took really crapy videos and I never dare to put them on the blog. This Valentine Sean gave me a surprise present: a pocket HD video recorder (Sean found a great deal). It's small and light, but takes great videos, connects to computer easily and you can view the videos on the TV immediately. I took a try while kids were building a snow man with my neighbor. I love it and thanks a bunch to Sean. I was going to edit the video on my computer and wondering why it moves so slow. Figured out that my old crapy computer couldn't handle the video, so I'll post the videos later.
我很喜歡看大姐放影片在她步落格上, 一來可以看到小黑寶寶成長的狀況,二來可以看到背景裡有熟悉的家裡角落或是家人的聲音. 可惜我們的相機錄影品質很爛, 所以我都沒有放影片上來. 今年情人節時, 肖恩送了我一個驚喜: 一台HD品質的口袋錄影機; 他知道我很想放影片在我們的步落格上, 他剛好看到這台錄影機在大拍賣就買給我. 它很小很薄, 可是拍出來的品質很好. 我趁著鄰居和小朋友們造雪人時試拍, 在電視上看的品質很好, 可是一拿到我的電腦要修改時不知道為什麼都變成了慢動作, 可是聲音還是和平常一樣...想了想, 原來是我的電腦太爛了, 不能負荷看影片. 好吧, 請大家再等一下下, 讓我用肖恩的電腦修改再放上來吧.
A year in review
10 years ago
How fun to have a video camera to catch all the growing moments.
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