Sean had been wanted a Wii Fit for a long time, I told him that he got lots of toys already and doesn't need one. Sean's coworker said it's really fun and a good way to exercise while you play. His birthday is coming so it would be a birthday surprise for him. Turned out Meijer (one of the big grocery stores) had 3 units available, so we got one.
I was at a church leadership meeting the next day and Sean told me that they had a great time playing with the Wii fit and kids really love it. Khai showed me his running and he was so cute. Running with his toes and so excited about the game (Khai usually got so upset when playing video games because he wasn't very coordinate) . We had Khai run 2 rounds and his cheeks was so red. Xander was very good at skiing. Both kids went to bed very easily that night. I tried few games after they went to bed and they are really fun. I'm glad that we got this game.
p.s. You can click on "HD" on the lower right, then the picture quality would be nicer.
肖恩跟我說想要買Wii Fit, 可是我跟他說他已經有好多玩具了, 不要再買了. 最近他同事跟他說這遊戲很好哦, 一邊玩一邊又可以運動. 於是肖恩叫我每天打電話問店裡有沒有貨. 我每天打電話問人家有沒有貨都問的很不好意思, 再想他生日也快到了,那如果有貨就買一台送給他當驚喜好了. 吔, 結果竟然真的找到一台吔.
我隔天有事情所以肖恩在家裡陪小朋友. 打電話跟我說小朋友們很喜歡這些遊戲, 他們玩了好幾個鐘頭, 煒勳玩的很高興(煒勳通常玩電動玩具都會很沮喪因為他的手沒像哥哥那麼靈活). 我回來後煒勳秀給我看, 他跑的好可愛哦. 我們發現他全程都是用腳尖跑吔, 跑了2次下來, 他整個臉頰紅通通的好像是一個蘋果. 傑升也有玩滑雪. 嗯,當晚2個小朋友很快就睡著了. 我等他們睡著後也來試試看, 還真的很好玩. 一邊玩一邊運動哦.
註: 看影片時如果按右下角的HD,影片品質會比較好哦.
A year in review
10 years ago
妳們WII FIT一台買多少含稅?
Oh my gosh!! He is so funny! I miss little kids but not that much to have Have fun with the Wii!
That looks like a fantastic way to get some of the excess energy out of the way. Now if you could just send some of the energy my way...
I played Wii tennis, golf and baseball while I was at Jaron's and it was a blast. My arm was even sore the next day. Pathetic. I know.
Hope you get lots of family fun out of it.
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