This month had been a very busy for our family: flew to Idaho to attend grandma Berreth's funeral, attended school's holiday concert right after arriving MI, made cookies for friends and enjoyed the Christmas, of course.
今年的12月很忙: 飛到Idaho州去參加祖母的喪禮, 一下機就馬上準備去參加小朋友學校的演唱會. 聖誕節前忙著做餅乾以送給朋友們. 再來就是過個安靜的聖誕節囉!
Xander looked very handsome and really liked to sing. He memorized the whole "Rockin around the Christmas tree" 傑升很喜歡唱歌, 他將整首歌都記起來了.
This was Khai's first holiday concert at school and he was very proud of his performance. His friends were so excited to see him back from the funeral. 這是煒勳第一年的演唱會, 他可是非常興奮呢. 他班上小朋友看到他回來都好興奮呢.
Kids working on the treats, they were my good helpers. 幫忙做餅乾.
Jumping in the air on Christmas morning with his new pajamas. 在聖誕節當天很興奮的跑下樓來開禮物.
Another excited boy jumping in the air with his new pajamas. 弟弟也是高興的跳上天了.
We are ready. 我們準備好了.
Santa ate the cookies and drank the milk. Can you see the excitements in his eyes? 哇, 聖誕老公公把餅乾和牛奶喝完了吔. 你有沒有看到煒勳那興奮的眼神. 眼睛都發光了.
Let's see what's inside. 看看箱子裡有什麼.
Santa gave Xander a camera and a puppy from grand parents. 聖誕老公公給了傑升相機
Khai loves his puppy. 煒勳很喜歡他的小狗.
Pei-I got a new camera and took these beautiful pictures. Sean got a ipod. Thank you and Merry Christmas. 我想要一台相機, 所以這些漂亮的相片就是用我新相機拍的. 肖恩得到一台ipod. 謝謝. 耶誕快樂.
A year in review
10 years ago
Love the pajamas, the excitement and all the cute boys!
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