This is Xander's first Pinewood Derby car racing. Sean and Xander put lots of efforts in it and the car turned out really pretty. In fact, Xander won all 3 races but unfortunatelly there were some cars that ran faster than Xander's. But we all had a great time and that's all that matters.
傑升今年滿8歲所以可以加入教會的幼童軍. 今年好幾個教會集合起來一起做賽車, 所以呢肖恩和傑升就開始買材料及動手做車子. 盒子裡的就是一根長方形的木頭, 然後你自己發揮想像力來雕刻你的車子. 怎麼樣, 不錯吧.
每個小朋友有3次賽車的機會. 因為我們一大早就到那報名所以傑升是第三位, 每組有3台車. 所以呢傑升是第一組開始賽車的.吔, 傑升每次都是第一名吔. 嗯,爸爸的技術的確是不賴. 很不幸的,有些車子跑的比我們快,所以沒有進入決賽. 不過沒關係, 好玩就好了.
Pitstop. Put some more powders so the car can ran faster.
Checking in, 5 oz exactly. Good plannings, boys.
報名囉. 極限是 5 oz, 結果一量我們的車子剛好是 5 oz, 還好爸爸在家有先量了,才不用臨時再加減材料.
Proud Xander carrying his Landspeeder.
Khai had fun looking at cool cars.
Checking out the cool and long tracks.
軌道很長. 第一次看到這種賽車, 好興奮.
Here it is, our cool car. Can you tell what it is? Landspeeder!
這是我們的車. 星際大戰(美國一部電影)中的車子.
Xander won The Most Futurestic Award out of all the cars.
A year in review
10 years ago
Ahhh the pinewood derby. My boys always got the most "artistic" award because I had no engineering skills. Their cars looked real good, but didn't move real fast. I'm not even going to go into all the drama surrounding the fathers at the events we went to... :0)
Glad you had fun.
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