Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 18, 2007 - New Year Hot Pot

It is annual tradition to make warm delicious hot pot for Chinese new year. For any that do not know, hot pot is kind of like a Chinese fondue. Fresh vegetables, meats, and noodles are added to a boiling pot of soup broth in the center of the table. As the items are cooked, they are removed, and eaten. It is really yummy. Each food item makes the soup base taste even better, so by the end of the meal, you have a great tasting bowl of soup to finish off your meal. Pei-I out did herself this year. We had a great meal!

新年除夕夜我們家的傳統是吃圍爐火鍋, 在台灣總是媽媽一手包辨, 我們在旁邊幫忙. 到了美國, 在加州時還可以到中國城去吃自助火鍋, 可是現在到了東岸, 一切就要自己來了. 過去的3~5年來我都是自己準備湯頭和到中國超市去買火煱料. 老公也喜歡吃火鍋, 小孩子們喜歡吃玉米,魚丸和海鮮. 雖然我們家的火鍋沒有在台灣的那麼豐富,可是熱情不減..今年的湯頭還特別的甜, 令人喝了還想再喝一碗. 在家裡自己準備火鍋的好處就是剩下的料還可以吃好幾餐. 哇, 你可以看到佩憶的臉上都笑瞇瞇的. 火鍋, 嗯....有媽媽的味道.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

February 17, 2007 - Chinese New Year Party

Tonight we went to the Chinese New Year Party held by Xander's Chinese School in Ann Arbor. It was a lot of fun, and Xander did a great job in his program. This is the first time that he has been willing to get up in front of people and perform. The best we have ever been able to do at church is have him get on the stand for a couple of seconds before skulking back down. We were so proud to see him strut his stuff. He did a great job. The other classes did different skits, dances, and songs to entertain. The high school students performed a play in which the emperor lost the Chinese Zodiac, so he held a race of all of the animals to determine the new list and ordering. It was so hilarious.

傑升的中文學校有舉辦新年晚會. 老師平常上課時就會跟小朋友練習, 傑升會很高興很賣力的唱歌及比手指謠. 可是我們今年不期望傑升會上台表演. 因為在教會有時會叫小朋友到前面去唱歌, 傑升每次都不要到前面去, 最高的紀錄是站在講台上站了1分鐘然後就開始坐在地上. 果然在預演時傑升就坐在地上拒絕表演. 等到正式表演時, 其他的高年級先上台表演, 傑升跟煒勳坐在椅子上看的目瞠口呆. 老師帶著大家去後台準備表演. 哇, 傑升竟然在台上高興的唱著歌, 跳著舞, 三不五時還會跟我們揮揮手. 看的我眼淚都快流下來了, 太感動了. 第一次看到傑升上台表演還表演的那麼好. 吾家有子初長成.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

February 3, 2007 - Indian Food

0203 - Indian Food - 01
Originally uploaded by Sean Whittier.
We decided to try to make Indian food tonight. It was really yummy, but lots of work. We made Mattar Paneer and Royal Chicken with naan and rice. Yummy!

肖恩的同事給了肖恩一些印度菜的材料所以我們決定要做印度菜 需要切好多菜可是做出來的菜佷好吃哦