Friday, January 29, 2010

Xander's 1st Derby car racing

This is Xander's first Pinewood Derby car racing. Sean and Xander put lots of efforts in it and the car turned out really pretty. In fact, Xander won all 3 races but unfortunatelly there were some cars that ran faster than Xander's. But we all had a great time and that's all that matters.

傑升今年滿8歲所以可以加入教會的幼童軍. 今年好幾個教會集合起來一起做賽車, 所以呢肖恩和傑升就開始買材料及動手做車子. 盒子裡的就是一根長方形的木頭, 然後你自己發揮想像力來雕刻你的車子. 怎麼樣, 不錯吧.

每個小朋友有3次賽車的機會. 因為我們一大早就到那報名所以傑升是第三位, 每組有3台車. 所以呢傑升是第一組開始賽車的.吔, 傑升每次都是第一名吔. 嗯,爸爸的技術的確是不賴. 很不幸的,有些車子跑的比我們快,所以沒有進入決賽. 不過沒關係, 好玩就好了.

Pitstop. Put some more powders so the car can ran faster.

Checking in, 5 oz exactly. Good plannings, boys.
報名囉. 極限是 5 oz, 結果一量我們的車子剛好是 5 oz, 還好爸爸在家有先量了,才不用臨時再加減材料.

Proud Xander carrying his Landspeeder.

Khai had fun looking at cool cars.

Checking out the cool and long tracks.
軌道很長. 第一次看到這種賽車, 好興奮.

Here it is, our cool car. Can you tell what it is? Landspeeder!
這是我們的車. 星際大戰(美國一部電影)中的車子.

Xander won The Most Futurestic Award out of all the cars.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

UP Pasty making

We've heard MI Upper Peninsula is famous for pasty. After living in MI for 5 year it's finally time to make one.住在密西根這麼久了, 聽說本州的 Upper Peninsula pasty 很有名, 肖恩一直很想試著做做看. 所以呢今天就來試試吧.

Ready to go to oven.
Ready to go to oven. 準備進去烤囉.

Finished product
Just came out of the oven. 剛出烤箱, 好香!

Approved by my boys that night. 小朋友們和我們當晚都說 "讚".

I love it.


This is good

We made one patch and was able to freeze half of them (we froze 7). Next time will try to triple the recipe and freeze a bunch at the same time. It took lots of time to make them but worth the efforts.

那晚我們吃了幾個pasty 後竟然還可以冷凍7~8 個pasty. 嗯, 一樣要花這麼多功夫,下個要多做一點再冷凍起來.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2009 December video clips 2009 年12月影片

Have you seen chickens wear diapers? Well, tonight was the first time that I saw one and had to record that to show you.

We decided to stay at Las Vegas for 1 day after leaving parents' house. This will count as our 10th anniversary trip. We came to Las Vegas with my parents and sister on our honey moon, 10 years later we came back again with 2 cute boys. Not many people at the Casinos and that worried us a little bit because it was 1 week before Christmas. We worried that many casinos would shut down due to lack of business. Maybe it would get busier when it gets closer to Christmas. We tried to get deals to watch some shows, but they were too expensive with 4 of us. We ended with spending 20 dollars at this game studio and had a blast.

你看過雞穿尿布嗎? 肖恩二姐家的雞是他們的寵物, 所以如果把雞帶進家裡就要包上尿布. 好笑吧!

離開了公婆家後我們在拉斯維加斯待一天. 想想10年前我們帶我爸媽和大姐來這度蜜月, 10年後肖恩和我帶了小朋友來這裡重溫舊夢. 很奇怪的是在賭城裡竟然很少人吔. 這和10年前人擠人的盛況差好多哦. 我們實在有點擔心賭城會不會就這樣垮了?不過想了想,還有一個禮拜就是耶誕節了, 也許到時才會有更多人來賭城玩吧. 去看看有沒有什麼秀沒有賣光可以便宜買, 唉,一家4口這樣門票太貴了. 花了20元在這遊戲間裡玩了很多遊戲, 很痛快.

We came to this buffet at Paris Casino with my parents and sister, so of course had to come back and visit. There were lots of choices and we came out with a full tummy. Went back to our hotel took a nap and ready for our night adventure.

Turned out many free shows at different casinos were shut down due to preparations for the Christmas rush. What a bummer. We visited Venetian Casino and really loved the river and the boat, it was very romantic and relaxing.

當年帶爸媽和大姐來這家吃到飽的餐廳. 所以今天當然也要來這裡吃囉. 奇怪, 菜色好像都差不多吔. 一個小時後我們帶著飽飽的肚子走回飯店睡個午覺準備晚上的行程. 結果晚上發現許多免費的秀都取消了, 因為下個禮拜是耶誕節會很忙所以很多地方這個禮拜都維修或放假. 真不巧. 不過我們去看了尼維斯飯店裡的河. 那裡面有真的人在那划船. 好浪漫. 最喜歡這個飯店因為它的天花板是漆成藍色的天空, 讓人覺得很輕鬆很自在, 好像你真的就處在陽光下.

We stayed at Bellagio on the honey moon and still remembered looking down at the dancing water fountain from our window. Boys were amazed at the beautiful water fountain. They are much prettier at night. We watched several water dances and then headed back to our room. Had an early morning flight and headed to the holiday concert at school right after we arrived home. What a busy day but fun trip except the sad circumstances.

度蜜月時是在Bellagio, 從我們房間可以看到噴水池裡的水舞. 所以晚上我們全家就待在噴水池前看水舞. 實在是很壯觀很漂亮. 我們看了好幾首水舞,最後實在是晚了應該回去整理行李準備隔天飛回家. 因為奶奶的過世,我們決定飛回家去參加喪禮, 可是這趙旅行看到了所有的家人又可以去賭城看一下, 實在是很值得.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

December 2009

This month had been a very busy for our family: flew to Idaho to attend grandma Berreth's funeral, attended school's holiday concert right after arriving MI, made cookies for friends and enjoyed the Christmas, of course.

今年的12月很忙: 飛到Idaho州去參加祖母的喪禮, 一下機就馬上準備去參加小朋友學校的演唱會. 聖誕節前忙著做餅乾以送給朋友們. 再來就是過個安靜的聖誕節囉!

DSC_0023 Xander looked very handsome and really liked to sing. He memorized the whole "Rockin around the Christmas tree" 傑升很喜歡唱歌, 他將整首歌都記起來了.

School holiday concert. This was Khai's first holiday concert at school and he was very proud of his performance. His friends were so excited to see him back from the funeral. 這是煒勳第一年的演唱會, 他可是非常興奮呢. 他班上小朋友看到他回來都好興奮呢.

Making sugar cookies. Kids working on the treats, they were my good helpers. 幫忙做餅乾.

Time to open presents. Jumping in the air on Christmas morning with his new pajamas. 在聖誕節當天很興奮的跑下樓來開禮物.

Khai hopping in the air.
Another excited boy jumping in the air with his new pajamas. 弟弟也是高興的跳上天了.

Our new pajamas. We are ready. 我們準備好了.

Santa ate the cookies! Santa ate the cookies and drank the milk. Can you see the excitements in his eyes? 哇, 聖誕老公公把餅乾和牛奶喝完了吔. 你有沒有看到煒勳那興奮的眼神. 眼睛都發光了.

Let's see what's inside. 看看箱子裡有什麼.

DSC_0109 Santa gave Xander a camera and a puppy from grand parents. 聖誕老公公給了傑升相機

DSC_0113 Khai loves his puppy. 煒勳很喜歡他的小狗.

Pei-I got a new camera and took these beautiful pictures. Sean got a ipod. Thank you and Merry Christmas. 我想要一台相機, 所以這些漂亮的相片就是用我新相機拍的. 肖恩得到一台ipod. 謝謝. 耶誕快樂.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Xander's 2010 New Year Revolution 新年新希望

2010 New Year Revolution 新年新希望

I discovered this homework from Xander's Friday folder.
My wish is: I write better at Chinese
I hope my wish comes true because: that mom won't have to tell me to write again.
If my wish comes true, I would feel: happy.

I asked him why he wrote that and he said he was doing bad last year with writing Chinese, but now he's doing much better, so he's very happy about it. Keep it up.

What a nice comment and he does doing much better with Chinese this year. We are very happy about that.

週末在整理傑升的作業, 發現這張很可愛的作業:
我2010年的新年新希望: 希望可以把中文寫好.
我希望我的希望可以成真, 因為: 這樣媽媽就不會叫我再寫一遍.
如果我的希望成真了, 我會: 很高興.

我很好奇傑升怎麼會有這種願望. 想了想, 會不會是從Idaho 回來了積了很多中文作業, 所以每天寫中文寫過頭了? 我有逼他那麼緊嗎? 後來昨天問他為什麼這樣寫, 他說: 因為我去年都學不好呀, 那今年我的國字寫的比較好了所以我很開心. 嗯, 小孩子的世界就是那麼單純.
註: 傑升今年的中字寫的真的很好哦. 尤其他會寫"妙真" 阿姨的名字. 回台灣時一定要叫他寫給你們看.