Tuesday, September 08, 2009

1st day of school 2009 第一天上課.

This year Khai is going to kindergarten at the same school as Xander. Khai had been looked forward to this day for a long time. He got up early and dressed himself without being asked. Both boys ate breakfast happily and we took them to school. We were there early, so they had a chance to chat with friends and talk to their teacher.

Pei-I wasn't used to have the quiet house all by herself. Xander and Khai were doing great at the first day of school, according to their teacher. Khai loved his school.

p.s. We pulled Xander's 4th tooth last night.

今天煒勳就要去哥哥的學校上幼稚園囉. 煒勳期待了好久, 整個暑假都在問什麼時候可以去上學. 到學校上課讓他覺得他長大了, 是個大男生. 今天早上他是第一個起床的,不用叫他就會自己換上學校的制服. 哇, 2 個小朋友很興奮,都乖乖的吃早餐還很快就準備好了. 在學校外面很多小朋友排隊準備去自己的班上上課.

整天沒有人在家吵我還真有點不習慣呢. 下午去接他們時, 2 個小朋友笑咪咪的跟我說今天上課好玩多好玩. 今天沒有功課. 如果每天都像第一天上課那麼興奮就好了.

註: 昨天拔了傑升的第4顆牙齒.

It was raining outside, that's why there were spots on their shirt. 哦, 外面在下面, 所以衣服沾到車子有點溼溼的.

Few other things that we accomplished in the summer 2009

This summer we reached few goals: boys learned how to ride their bicycles, picked and canned a lot of fruit + vegetables inculding: 21 pounds of strawberry jam, 24 pounds of blueberry syrup, beans, peaches, tomato sauce, salsa and spaghetti sauce. Visited fire house and had BBQ chicken. Not too bad huh..

今年夏天開始我們列了一些想要在這暑假裡做到的事, 像是學會騎腳踏車, 做水果及疏菜罐頭...

Vegetables from our garden harvested by Khai 從菜園裡採的蔬菜.

Canning green beans. 做豆子罐頭.

Canning peaches. 做水蜜洮罐頭.

Doesn't the peaches look so yummy? 垂涎好吃的桃子罐頭.

Eating BBQ chicken at the fire station. 在消防隊局裡吃烤雞肉.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Summer Camping trip--The Smithsonian Museums 華盛頓博物館

We have friends visited D.C. before, so we got many tips about where to visit and were very excited about D.C. It was very hard to find parkings at the D.C., so we took Metro, which was 5 minutes away from our camp site and 30 minutes ride to D.C. Kids were very excited about riding the METRO.

我們有幾位朋友對華盛頓很熟, 所以他們給了我們很多意外可以去那邊玩. 在華盛頓很難找到停車位,所以我們從露營附近坐30分鐘的地下鐵到華盛頓. 小朋友們很興奮坐地鐵.

We packed lots of water bottles, snacks, hats, straw mats (to rest and nap) + tour books with us the 1st day, so our backpacks were very heavy (forget to pack the stroller with us). We walked to the Capital after getting out of the METRO. It was about 30 minutes walk and we've already tired by the time we arrived there. It was very hot and humid at the D.C. and the day before was only 60 degrees at our previous camp site, bit temperature difference. It's the capital in the front and the monument in the back.

第一天去華盛頓時,我們背包裡裝了許多水,點心,草席,書及雜七雜八的東西. 為什麼要帶點心呢? 因為觀光地區點心及水都賣的很貴,所以自己帶去比較划算.可惜我們忘記帶小朋友舊的手拖車,不然會更輕鬆一點. 從下地鐵到國會前大約走了30分鐘的路我們都累垮了. 前幾天露營的地方都還要穿外套,今天這裡是高溫. 坐下來吃點心喝水休息一下. 還是到太空博物館裡去吹次氣吧.

There was already a line waiting to get in before it opens. Kids had fun touching the astronaut outfits and doing other projects.

所有在華盛頓的博物館都是免費的(納稅人每年所繳的稅),可是這裡實在是太多博物館了. 我們只在這裡待3~4天,必須要選擇要先參觀那幾家博物館. 太空博物館是最熱門的幾家,還沒開門前外面就已經有一大長攏在等待進入. 在裡面吹次氣真舒服. 這裡有很多有關於飛機的展覽及實驗. 小朋友們玩的很開心.