Saturday, May 23, 2009

Khai's graduation 學前班畢業典禮

Say cheese.

This is my amazing teacher 煒勳和老師


We are so behind on updating our blog, so we figured that we'll update the latest first.

May 17 2009 -- Khai graduated from preschool

It's hard to believe that my baby is graduating from preschool and no more driving to downtown (it's about 30 minutes drive to Khai's pre-school vs. 10 minutes to Xander's school). Khai was pretty excited about his big day and can't wait to put on the cap. He looked so cute and so grown up.

We had potluck that every family brings a dish. There were so many yummy food, but kids didn't eat much because they want to go play the bouncing house before the line is too long. One family donated the cotton candy machine and it was so fun to watch them make the candy and eat them. We were in the line twice.

Khai is very excited to go to Xander's school and kept asking how many more days will that be.

我們要更新網頁, 可是實在是太多要整理了, 所以我想就先從最近的開始說吧:


哇, 好快, 煒勳就要從中班畢業了.不過呢, 媽媽我可是十分期待, 因為這樣子我就不用在星期一,三,五時開30分的車送煒勳去上課, 哥哥的學校離我們家才10分鐘車程而且早上是鄰居來接哥哥. 相對的也有一點不捨因為這位老師很好,對小孩很有耐心, 她也是我們寧願開這麼遠去那邊上課的原因了. 煒勳對這天也很期待,迫不及待的要戴上他的方帽. 老師很厲害, 用保利龍碗夾紙皮就變成了很可愛的方帽. 煒勳看起來是不是像個大朋友了呢?

典禮完後, 我們去外面吃午餐. 學校提供Pizza 那每個家庭就帶一樣菜去分享.一看到那麼多菜我就很興奮的夾了一大堆整盤都是. 很多樣菜都很好吃呢. 小朋友根本沒吃多少就很興奮的要趕快去玩玩具. 今年還有一位家長租了棉花糖的機器. 小朋友很少吃棉花糖所以一看到那就很興奮的去排隊. 我們全家排了2次隊. 不是我們太貪吃哦,而是那家長給的棉花糖實在很小, 吃不過癮啦.

好吧, 吃飽了就回家休息了. 煒勳現在迫不及待的要去哥哥的學校上課. 每天都問還有多久要去哥哥的學校上課.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Easter 復活節快樂

This year Easter just caugh up on us. We didn't dye our eggs until Saturday night and only bought 3 small bags of candies for kids.

Khai's school had egg hunt on Friday and Xander didn't have school that day, so Xander went egg hunt with Khai. He was very helpful and had lots of fun of helping Khai hunting the eggs. Xander even helped a girl finding her eggs. They both were so sweet and Khai shared most of his goodies with Xander, poor mom and dad only had few candies.

Unlike the snowy and cold weather that we had in the past on Easters, this year we were fortunate enought to have blue sky and nice weather. We told kids to take a nap so Easter bunny can come and leave them goodies. Easter bunny sure left them lots of goodies and it took them 1 month to finish their goodies (well, I only limit them to eat 2~3 candies a day and most time they forgot that they had these canides.) Happy Easter.

今年的復活節悄悄的接近, 我們只買了幾袋糖菓並等到禮拜六晚上才染蛋. 傑升學校禮拜五剛好沒有上課, 所以呢他就幫弟弟一起找蛋.傑升很棒哦, 有一個小女生還有一個蛋找不到, 傑升很有耐心的幫她找.

前幾年的復活節天氣都很不好甚至還有雪, 今年的天氣是大藍天還有大陽光, 很適合去外面找蛋. 我們照往例叫小朋友先去睡午覺, 這樣復活節免子才會拿蛋給他們.煒勳每次要去找蛋時都臉臭臭的因為剛睡醒, 今年也是不例外. 兄弟2人在院子裡找的很高興. 他們收到了很多糖果甚至還有好幾個裝一塊錢的蛋呢.