Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who's your good friend? 誰是你的好朋友?

Last week at Chinese school we talked about good friends. I had the class come to the front and I asked if they have any good friends and what their friends names are. Most of the kids answered my questions, and talked about their friends. Khai was tired, so he sat on the chair in the back alone. I asked the class again who has a good friend, Khai raised his hand and I asked who's his good friend, and he pointed at me. The moms in that class all said "oh......", my eyes were watery and I said thank you then hurried and moved on to the next subject before my tears came. He was so sweet and made me so proud of having him as my son. It was my highlight that evening.

上禮拜五在中文學校主題是"好朋友". 我請小朋友到前面來並問他們有沒有好朋友, 叫什麼名字, 都跟好朋友玩什麼? 有些小朋友就乖乖的回答我的問題. 煒勳那時很累所以他自己坐在後面的座位上, 我再問一次還有沒有人有好朋友. 煒勳舉起了他的手, 我問他的好朋友是誰, 他什麼都沒說就指著我..頓時全班的媽媽們都說"喔....." 我眼眶一熱趕緊趁淚水流下來前跟他說聲謝謝並轉移話題. 那時候我覺得好溫暖好貼心, 覺得有個貼心孩子的我真是幸福. 整個晚上都覺得很快樂. 做媽媽的只要小朋友做任何小小一件好事都會很感動, 是不是越老就越容易動情呢?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

1st wet snow in winter 08 今年第一場雪

Snow man and woman. 2 個雪人

Kids' snow castle. 小朋友的雪堡.

Snowman-Xander 傑升雪人

Snowman Khai 煒勳雪人

This weekend had been cold and we got about 4 inches of snow (kind of early to have snow for MI this year) . The snow was wet and good for building snowman. Kids and I all bundled up and went out to play snow. We used whatever craft we had in the garage and porch to built these 2 snow man and woman. We had a really good time of building the snowmen and playing snow outside.

這個週末下了很多雪, 是今年冬天的第一場. 尤於這次的雪較溼很適合做雪人, 我們等到哥哥下課後回到家就迫不及待的全副武裝準備到外面去玩雪. 先堆起雪人再叫小朋友躲到雪人後面來拍張雪人照再完成我們的雪人. 在冰箱裡找到2 個柳丁就當雪人的大眼而袋子就當帽子囉, ...吔, 萬聖節還有剩下的南瓜就拿來當另一個雪人的頭好了..嗯, 看了看我們的雪人還真可愛..

小朋友們在旁邊很興奮的堆雪堡要跟我玩打雪球, 可是已經太晚了我的腳都快結冰了就約他們下次再玩. 小朋友們在外面玩的很高興, 晚上早早的就去睡覺了. 有沒有人要來我們家玩雪呀?

Monday, December 01, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving 2008 感恩節


This year I presented a turkey project for my class before the Thanksgiving, kids loved it very much and had so much fun. A parent, whose husband just came to the State to study, asked me how to cook turkey. Sean and I thought it would be fun to invite them over for Thanksgiving since they don't know how to cook turkey nor celebriated the holiday before. We were surprised this family accepted our invitation because it was an hour drive for them.

Sean and I went over our menus and made sure that we have every ingredients that we needed. We started our annuel turkey recipe that required to put the turkey in the brine over night. After a good night sleep, we woke up happily and started cooking while kids watching the Macy's parade.

Turkey on a plate, good job Sean. 肖恩把切好的火雞漂亮的放在盤子上.

Our guests arrived at 12:30 pm and were very excited about the feast. They even took pictures of pretending they were cooking all the meals. They were so cute. Everyone was starving so we said a prayer and started the feast. Sean and I served turkey, stuffing, mashed potato and gravy, baked sweet potato and our guests brought salad. Everything tasted so yummy (especially the turkey, so tender and moist) and we were so full. We were pretty sure that our guests love our meal because they filled their plates at least twice.

Cute pictures. 朋友的立可拍相機拍的相片

This family had a very cool / cute camera that the pictures will come out immediately with cute design papers. She took our family pictures and kids' group pictures and gave us as a gift. It was very fun to have them over.

Kids and us were so tired after eating the turkey, we all had a really nice nap. It's fun to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends.

我想要在感恩節前在中文學校在一個勞作, 請教了煒勳的幼稚園老師有沒有什麼簡單的勞作, 她建議我做火雞, 就只要買馬鈴薯,羽毛, 牙籤跟糖果就好了. 小朋友們果然都做的很開心. 有一個媽媽他們全家8 月份時剛從台灣搬到密西根州, 老公在唸研究所, 問我怎麼煮火雞. 我給了她食譜, 可是後來想想應該邀請他們全家來我們家吃火雞應該他們根本就不知道怎麼煮火雞又沒過過感恩節.. 肖恩建議我邀請他們, 而他們也很興奮的答應了我們的邀請, 雖然他們要開一個小時來我們家.

感恩節的前一天我們就開始確定有所有需要的材料並開始用各種香料及雞湯替火雞泡澡, 這樣火雞肉烤起來才會多汁又嫩. 我也先把南瓜泒做好, 這樣隔天才不會太忙.

感恩節當天我們睡懶覺, 八點多才起床, 我們開始準備做火雞大餐並開電視讓小朋友看遊行. 到了12點半, 我們的客人準時到達. 他們已經很迫不及待的想要吃火雞大餐了. 還剩下幾樣菜沒有做好, 他們看到了就說要幫忙並開始照相假裝所有的食物都是他們煮的以滿足自己的幻想. 今年我們煮了火雞, 烤蕃薯, 馬鈴薯泥及醬汁還有沙拉, 所有的東西都好好吃尤其是火雞又嫩又多汁. 我們的客人也很喜歡, 我怎麼知道呢? 因為他們至少吃了2盤.
飯後客人就拿出了她的立可拍相機..一按相機, 相片就馬上跑出來可是最可愛的是它的相紙每張都不一樣, 都很可愛...說是日本製的..她幫我們拍了好幾張以留做紀念. 客人走了後我們的肚子好飽也累垮了(小朋友們是玩的太瘋了), 睡了一個好甜的午覺. 嗯, 感恩節還是要有朋友來比較好玩.