Silly boys. 2 個小儍瓜
I love doing projects with my family.
I'm going to start, o.k.? 我要開始吃囉.
Khai's school holds a Grandparents Feast a few days before Thanksgiving. At the feast grandsparents will do 3 craft projects with their grandchild, then have a light lunch. School also holds a bake sale on the side of the lunch room to earn extra money. Parents are encouraged to bring goodies for the bake sale. Since both sets of kids' grandparents live so far away, Sean and I usually are the special guests that day. Sean decided to take Wednesday off for the feast.
This is our 4th year in the row to attend the feast, Sean and I already have a plan. Drop off our goodies and Khai in the morning, head to stores to buy some Christmas presents, come back to school 15 minutes early to look at the goodies.
We finished our lunch very quick (because we ate quickly, not because we were there the first) and decided to help vacume the classroom, after people were done with their lunch then we helped cleaning the lunch room. We had a really nice feast and picked up a bucket of buck eye candy + fudge at the bake sale for our treats.
傑升跟煒勳的學前班學校在感恩節的前幾天都會舉辦一個"阿公阿嬤/外公外婆特別日". 在這天小朋友會跟他/她的阿公阿嬤外公外婆們做3個勞作然後去吃一個簡單的午餐. 學校也會要求家長們捐獻一些小點心來賣, 這樣可以幫學校募款. 由於小朋友兩邊的阿公阿嬤都住的很遠, 所以每年都是肖恩跟我做代表去參加這個特別日. 今年肖恩決定今天(禮拜三)不上班, 要偷懶一天. 明天是感恩節而公司禮拜五不上班, 所以他可以有5天連續假日.
這已經是我們連續第四年參加阿公阿嬤特別日, 所以我們很清楚流程甚至準備好了計劃表: 早上先帶煒勳去上課及交給學校我們做的餅乾, 然後剩空檔時間趕快去幾家店買些聖誕節禮物. 15分鐘提早到達學校才可以看看販賣的點心裡有什麼好吃的東西. 接著趕快去做最少人在那的那個勞作....我們跟煒勳都很快地就把勞作做好了, 其他的阿公阿嬤們因為很珍惜跟小孫子相處的時間都慢慢細心的完成他們的勞作. 他們也比較老所以都慢慢來..結果我們家是第一個去吃午餐的.
吃完了午餐發現大部份的人都還在吃飯, 就先去幫老師吸教室的地然後再回來把椅子放好..挑了幾樣小點心回家吃並準備清理家裡以迎接明天的火雞大餐.
I'm going to start, o.k.? 我要開始吃囉.
Khai's school holds a Grandparents Feast a few days before Thanksgiving. At the feast grandsparents will do 3 craft projects with their grandchild, then have a light lunch. School also holds a bake sale on the side of the lunch room to earn extra money. Parents are encouraged to bring goodies for the bake sale. Since both sets of kids' grandparents live so far away, Sean and I usually are the special guests that day. Sean decided to take Wednesday off for the feast.
This is our 4th year in the row to attend the feast, Sean and I already have a plan. Drop off our goodies and Khai in the morning, head to stores to buy some Christmas presents, come back to school 15 minutes early to look at the goodies.
We finished our lunch very quick (because we ate quickly, not because we were there the first) and decided to help vacume the classroom, after people were done with their lunch then we helped cleaning the lunch room. We had a really nice feast and picked up a bucket of buck eye candy + fudge at the bake sale for our treats.
傑升跟煒勳的學前班學校在感恩節的前幾天都會舉辦一個"阿公阿嬤/外公外婆特別日". 在這天小朋友會跟他/她的阿公阿嬤外公外婆們做3個勞作然後去吃一個簡單的午餐. 學校也會要求家長們捐獻一些小點心來賣, 這樣可以幫學校募款. 由於小朋友兩邊的阿公阿嬤都住的很遠, 所以每年都是肖恩跟我做代表去參加這個特別日. 今年肖恩決定今天(禮拜三)不上班, 要偷懶一天. 明天是感恩節而公司禮拜五不上班, 所以他可以有5天連續假日.
這已經是我們連續第四年參加阿公阿嬤特別日, 所以我們很清楚流程甚至準備好了計劃表: 早上先帶煒勳去上課及交給學校我們做的餅乾, 然後剩空檔時間趕快去幾家店買些聖誕節禮物. 15分鐘提早到達學校才可以看看販賣的點心裡有什麼好吃的東西. 接著趕快去做最少人在那的那個勞作....我們跟煒勳都很快地就把勞作做好了, 其他的阿公阿嬤們因為很珍惜跟小孫子相處的時間都慢慢細心的完成他們的勞作. 他們也比較老所以都慢慢來..結果我們家是第一個去吃午餐的.
吃完了午餐發現大部份的人都還在吃飯, 就先去幫老師吸教室的地然後再回來把椅子放好..挑了幾樣小點心回家吃並準備清理家裡以迎接明天的火雞大餐.