Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer camping trip--Palmyra 教會起源地

The Log Home--We woke up very early to visit The Smith Family Farm because it would be very crowded due to the pageant. We were very excited to visit the place where Joseph Smith lived. 先知以前住的房子--我們很早就來這邊參觀,因為當天晚上有教會的大型舞台表演所以一定會有很多人來這參觀. 常常在書上看到這些相片,終於可以實地參觀了.

The living room-- Very small room yet warm. 餐廳--麻雀雖小,五臟俱全.

Joseph Smith's bedroom -- It's hard to believe that we stood at the room where Angel Moroni appeared.之前有天使顯示在先知的這間臥室.

The Frame Home

The Sacred Grove--This is a very spiritual place, you really can feel the spirit. We enjoyed walking in the forest and feel the spirit. No wonder Joseph Smith choose this place to pray. We took turns to make sure we got some alone time. 耶蘇和神父顯現地--在先知那年代,很多不同教會都說他們自己是真的教會. 先知不知道要參加那個教會. 於是他來到家後面的這個森林祈禱請求指示. 耶蘇和神父在這顯現並告訴他那些教會都不是神的教會, 不要參與任何一個教會.當我們進入這個森林時,覺得這個森林好安靜,好虔誠,難怪先知會挑這個地方來禱告. 我從來沒有去過一個地方可以讓你覺得很自在很舒服,這是個很特別的森林.

The book store where they printed the first 5,000 copies of Book of Mormon 首先印製5,000本摩門經的書店--在當時要買一本摩門經大約是2天做工的工錢.

There were 9,000 chairs set up. We were amazed how big the stage was and how many chairs were there. We heard kids can be in the cast next year if they want to try. Here are my future actors. 現場排了9,000張椅子--哇,好多椅子吔. 最另人佩服的的是所有的750位演員都是來自全國各地的義工.他們報名要表演,如果被選中了就會通知來領取角色. 只練習了幾天就開始正式彩排.正式表演為期10天.

Waiting patiently--THE pageant won't start until 9:15 pm, but we arrived there at 5:30 pm. Got our seats and head to chicken BBQ for dinner. It was very yummy. Kids played on the grass while the grown up read books and looked around all the actors. It was amazing to see these casts, their costumes were pretty. We learned that there were 750 actors on the stage and they only got few days to practice and rehearsal. They did a really good job and we really enjoy the show. 還有2個多小時天才會黑. 人越來越多了--表演要等到9點15分才會開始,可是我們五點半就到達場地佔位子(其實我們中午時就去用背包佔位子了啦,佔到第二排). 先去吃烤雞吧. 吃完晚餐小朋友趴在草地上玩玩具,我們就坐在椅子上看書及看演員們走來走去. 其實看這些演員們很有趣.他們穿著很古老的服裝,而這些服裝都是手製的.他們的裝飾都很華麗及真實,和大明星有的比哦. 傑升那晚和好幾個演員合照.這個表演很壯觀很好看,等了這麼久是值得的.

Say Hi to Mormom. Lots of boys were attractive to his big sword. 和大力士照張相--好多小男生都跑來和他照相,因為他的劍好長好大.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summer camping trip-- Niagara Falls

Can you tell there was a glass behind Xander? It appears that Joker sits right behind him. 其實傑升後面有一面玻璃, 可是那時光線很好,所以照起來就像傑升站在假人前面.

Boys share the super big chair. 好大的椅子哦.

Khai wouldn't let go of the poncho the whole time. 煒勳死抓著雨衣不放.

Isn't it amazing and pretty? 好壯觀的景象.

This summer we decided to visit the Niagara Falls at the Canada side (you can see the whole waterfalls from Canadian side) then drive down to Palmyra, NY to see the pageant then head to Washington D.C. for the museums.

Sean found a KOA that just 10 minutes away from the waterfall. This KOA has a big play ground, swim pool and a jumping pillow that looks very fun. We found out there's a bus that we can take across street from our camp, this way we don't need to worry about where to park and where to go. It proved that we made a right decision, there were so many people and traffic around Niagara Falls.

Our first impression of the falls was: it's so small, not as big as the posters that we saw. We purchased the tickets to Maid of the Mist. Got our poncho and waited in the line patiently. Kids were pretty excited about getting on the boat and seeing the waterfall. Once we got close to the fall, then we realize it's a very big waterfall especially when you are very close to it. It would be very hard to swim under such strong currents. Can't under estimate the power and the beauty of the nature.

We walked around that area, there were many stores for tourists but all were over-priced. Kids wanted to visit many stores but they all required tickets. We pretty much said NO to every request and felt so bad for being such cheap parents. We bought them ice cream cones to make it up.

After returned to the camp site, I took kids to the jumping pillow to play. It's a very neat place. Kids can jump on this oval pillow for hours and don't see the pillow leaking. Finally, I couldn't resist anymore, I went to jump with kids when there were less people watching. It was actually really fun to jump on it.

這個暑假我們太晚買機票回台灣, 所以決定在暑假時一邊露營一邊去加拿大那邊看尼加拉瓜瀑布,再往下走去New York 看我們教會的表演再去華盛頓看華府. 我們聽說尼加拉瓜瀑布要在加拿大這邊看才漂亮,才會看到全景 (尼加拉瓜瀑布在美國和加拿大的分界,一邊是美國, 一邊是加拿大). 老公找到一個露營地方距離瀑布只有10分鐘.

一進到這個露營地區發現它很壯觀, 有2個游泳池, 一個很大的遊樂園及一個可以跳的大皮球. 我們馬路對面就有公車可以坐到瀑布那邊去, 想說如果坐公車我們就不用找停車位及擔心要怎麼走. 一到那附近發現我們的選擇是正確的, 那邊人山人海又有一大堆車. 如果對那邊不熟, 開車一定很頭痛的.

一看到瀑布的第一印象是: 怎麼這麼小呀? 相片上看起來的好大好壯觀吶..算了, 還是去買票坐船吧. 他們發給每個人藍色的雨衣, 大家井然有序的排隊及穿雨衣. 小朋友們好興奮要坐船去看瀑布. 煒勳好緊張,一直抓著雨衣蓋住整個臉. 問他為什麼蓋住整個臉, 他說怕衣服會溼掉..當船駛到瀑布下面時才體驗到這個瀑布真的很大, 很壯觀. 大自然真的很奇妙, 怎麼會有這麼多水一直往下滑,終年不斷.

看完了瀑布去旁邊的商店看看吧. 這裡真的是名符其實的觀光區, 每家店如果要進去參觀就要買票, 那他們的票價又特貴. 小朋友們對很多家店都很想看, 可是我們告訴他們這些店都很貴吶. 覺得對小朋友們很對不起, 買了貴貴的甜筒給他們吃, 稿賞一下.

這邊的人實在很多又不想多花錢進去參觀, 還是打道回府吧. 我到小朋友去跳大汽球. 很好玩哦, 就一個碰碰的塑膠皮, 可是可以讓小朋友們一直跳還不是硬磞磞的哦. 我看到人比較少了, 實在是受不了了也跑去跳一跳. 哇, 好過隱哦!