Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ice Cream & Heart Hats

img048, originally uploaded by The Whittier Family.

We are still dealing with lots and lots of cold wintery weather here. I had to dodge a snowmobile on my way home from work tonight. Because we are not exciting, I thought I would scan in one of Xander's latest take homes from school. If Xander had $100 he would buy Ice Cream. You can tell that he is my kid for sure.

When asked why he would buy ice cream, he said because it would taste good, and sometimes it is so cute. Khai says to be sure to give him some ice cream too.

Khai was watching us scan in Xanders work, so he ran to his backpack, and pulled out one of his latest projects. He happily posed for Mommy to take this picture. He says that this hat is very cute. When asked if he wanted to say anything else about this hat, he replied, "I am a silly butt."

Monday, February 04, 2008

Our House Every Day

They really hit the nail on the head today.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

January 26, 2008 - Chinese New Year Party

Xander made the news, originally uploaded by The Whittier Family.

We had a lot of fun at this years Chinese New Year Party! With Pei-I's responsibility as the Secretary for the school's management team, she had to do a lot of work. With her help, and lot of other hours of service from involved parents and leaders the school held a great party. There was games, class presentations, and a tasty dinner.
We plan to edit a short video to show our kids shaking their groovy things later, but we wanted to post this picture tonight. Xander (being the super cute kid that he is) got his picture put in the Ann Arbor Newspaper. We are very proud of him!

傑升上報囉..小兄弟倆的中文學校有新年晚會, 每班都有一個表演.今年是傑升的第2年表演,所以他上台都不會緊張.中文講的很標準,跳舞也很起勁,難得的被報紙貼上他的相片.我們要把這張相片裝框框了.那煒勳呢?彩排時精神很好,跟著老師唱唱又跳跳.可是等到節目一正式上場,煒勳就被國樂給催眠了.直睡到換他們班上排隊時才被媽媽給挖起來.他實在是太想睡了,一上台就趴在地上不想動.唉,明年再來試試看吧.整個晚上的活動很精彩,而晚餐也是令大家食指大動.祝大家新年快樂,萬事如意.