After lunch, we put the blue tape around the room and got the room ready for our primer (the sales lady added greet tea color in our primer already, so we just need to paint the primer and one coat of the paint). It went really well and fast with parents' help. We finished painting the room the next day and were really pleased with the new color.
Patching the wall. 油漆前先把洞補平.
We had our house for 4 years and tried to clean our carpets with parents' wet vacumm 2 years ago, but the dirty spots were still there. Therefore we decided to hire Stanley Steamer to clean the carpet and sofas. They sprayed some detergents on the sofas and floor first and then hooked up the hose outside the house and their truck. It was really interesting to see how clean the surface was after he cleaned the area. The gentleman even showed us the difference before and after the cleaning. Now our house look so clean and nice after all the cleaning and rearranging furnitures.
New finished living room. 油漆及清洗後的新客廳.
Now our final project is making curtains. We went to Joann and picked up the material, it ended up cheaper than buying from store with the 40% off coupon and clearance sale, and it's the color and style that we like. Mom cut the materials while I sew them, she suggested to add some plastic grocery bags in the valances to make them look puffy. We liked that idea. Mom then sewed the curtains for the family room while we put up our new desk that was a Christmas present from parents.
Cleaning in process. This is our high traffic area and is very dirty. 我去買菜時都是從外面直接走過這裡到廚房, 通常大家也都是先進這裡, 所以你看前頭這部份都特別黑. 中間白白的就是洗乾淨的, 清潔公司要讓我們比較一下.
Doesn't our new rooms look so nice? Thanks a bunch to mom and dad.
我們很久以前就想要對換客廳及居家室, 趁著公婆要來我們家玩就順便油漆客廳, 請人來清洗地毯及做窗廉. 聖誕節隔天男生們待在家裡把聖誕樹收起來及整理客廳, 婆婆和我跑了好幾家店去看有沒有已做好的窗廉及買了油漆. 我們決的已做好的窗廉不是太貴就是不好看, 所以決定自己做.
我們很久以前就想要對換客廳及居家室, 趁著公婆要來我們家玩就順便油漆客廳, 請人來清洗地毯及做窗廉. 聖誕節隔天男生們待在家裡把聖誕樹收起來及整理客廳, 婆婆和我跑了好幾家店去看有沒有已做好的窗廉及買了油漆. 我們決的已做好的窗廉不是太貴就是不好看, 所以決定自己做.
等我們到家後, 客廳已經準備的差不多了. 先貼上藍色的膠帶這樣油漆才不會跑出界, 舖上塑膠布 開始油漆囉. 總共要漆2 層才能把原來的顏色很漂亮又均勻的蓋過去. 由於公婆的幫忙, 我們在24小時內就把2 層油漆弄完了. 我們很喜歡新挑的這個顏色.
再來呢就是要清洗地毯了. 我們已經在這家裡住了4 年了, 2 年前公婆有帶特別的洗地毯機器來我家幫我們洗地, 可是髒髒的地方還是無法洗乾淨. 報導上建議住家的地毯應該每12到18個月就讓專業的洗地毯公司來洗(或是每隔一陣子就自己洗), 想說地毯真的很髒而沙發上也都是小朋友們小時候嘔吐或撒水的痕跡, 就請專業的來洗吧. 專業的洗地毯公司來了後開始噴清潔劑, 然後接上水管就有熱熱的水開始蒸氣及洗地了. 好神奇哦, 吸管一經過的地方都好乾淨. 我們家現在一樓變的好乾淨又好漂亮就像是新家一樣. 真是謝謝公婆的幫忙. 由於地毯要等到24小時之後才會全乾又不可能叫小朋友都不要經過客廳及居家屋, 所以我們就帶公婆到中文學校那附近去吃韓國菜.
Before & After
Happy New Year!
WOW! That looks great! What a fun way to start the new year. I love the green tea color you chose. Everything looks so clean and fresh.
Looks great Pei-i! Makes me want to skip the unseen but needed updates and repairs and just do the fun stuff at our house!
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