This summer we reached few goals: boys learned how to ride their bicycles, picked and canned a lot of fruit + vegetables inculding: 21 pounds of strawberry jam, 24 pounds of blueberry syrup, beans, peaches, tomato sauce, salsa and spaghetti sauce. Visited fire house and had BBQ chicken. Not too bad huh..
今年夏天開始我們列了一些想要在這暑假裡做到的事, 像是學會騎腳踏車, 做水果及疏菜罐頭...
Vegetables from our garden harvested by Khai 從菜園裡採的蔬菜.
Canning green beans. 做豆子罐頭.
Canning peaches. 做水蜜洮罐頭.
Doesn't the peaches look so yummy? 垂涎好吃的桃子罐頭.
Eating BBQ chicken at the fire station. 在消防隊局裡吃烤雞肉.
A year in review
9 years ago
That looks like a VERY productive summer to say the least.Those jars of peaches make my mouth water...
Looks like lots of fun!
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