Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year 虎年行大運

Every year we celebrate Chinese New Year with the Chinese school, so we decided to eat dim-sum prior to the celebration as our tradition. This year a close family decided to join us and learned about the celebration, so we invited them to eat dim-sum with us.

我們家每年都和會中文學校這個大家庭一起慶祝農曆新年, 所以我們會趁新年晚會之前先去吃養茶. 今年我們的好朋友一家想去看新年晚會, 所以我們也邀請他們跟我們去吃養茶.

We enjoyed our dim-sum as usual, but we can tell that our friends weren't used to this kind of food. But we had a good time.

他們覺得很新奇. 飯後我們包了小紅包給他們的3個小朋友. 小朋友們都好興奇可以收到紅包.

Khai's class decided not to perform this year, so I let him joined Xander's class. Every student suppose to say some lucky words. Khai kept coming to our seats and asked me how to say his parts. Poor kid, I never saw him so nervous. We told Khai that he needs to take a deep breath when he is nervous in the daily life. You can see from the video that he tood a deep breath before his performance (we didn't tell him to do that, but he remembered to do that to relax himself). Kids did a wonderful job on the stage as usual. We were so proud of them.

煒勳班今年投票決定不表演,所以我讓煒勳參加傑升班的服裝表演. 每個學生都要講一句吉祥話, 表演前就看煒勳很緊張的頻頻跑到我的座位問我怎麼說他的吉祥話. 很少看到煒勳這麼嚴肅和緊張. 有點好笑又不拾. 我們平常都教煒勳, 如果他很緊張或是挫折時,做個深呼吸. 結果你看煒勳在開始之前竟然自己做個深泘吸以放鬆自己. 2個小朋友都表演的很好呢.

BBQ bun, yummy. 好吃的包子.

Thumbs up. 好吃哦.

We love deep fried squid. 好吃的炸魷魚.

Handsome Khai 酷酷的弟弟.

Handsome Xander 帥帥的哥哥.



Sean helped me serve drinks. 肖恩和我幫忙賣冬瓜茶. More pictures of Xander (on page 10) and Khai (on page 11)
在這一頁裡是專業的攝影師照的相. 哥哥在第10頁, 弟弟在第11頁.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Letters to family in Taiwan from Xander and Khai 傑升和煒勳寫給台灣家人的信

Khai letter to ya ma-1
Khai draws that he's playing the firecrackers. He covers his ears.

Khai letter to ya ma 2
Wishing Ya-Ma Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day.

Xander letter to ya ma
Letter from Xander to Ya-Ma, wishing her happy birthday. Drew the picture of the firecrackers scared away the year monster and people wore red clothes.
傑升寫信給阿嬤祝她生日快樂和新年快樂. 畫了鞭炮把年獸嚇跑.

Xander letter to Chris
Letter from Xander to my sister, Chris, thank her for mailing the books to us. He drew he was reading books on his bunk bed.
傑升寫信給妙真阿姨, 謝謝她寄了好多巧連智給他和弟弟. 畫了他躺在床上讀巧連智.

Monday, February 01, 2010

2009 Idaho Trip snaps

Here are some of the snaps of our Idaho trip, thanks to Ashley's help of taking our pictures.


This is Waffles, Jeremy and Ashley's dog, boys love playing with him.
這隻狗很乖, 小朋友很喜歡跟他玩.

December 2009 007
Father-in-law's great greatpa (uncle?) helped settled in this town.

Family picture. 大家來照張相.

Picture with grand parents. 跟公婆合照.

big family picture melissas[1]
Dinner at Melissa's beautiful house.Grandpa went home early, so he wasn't in the picture.
在肖恩二姐家吃飯. 公公先回家休息, 所以不在相片中.

December 2009 010
Chicken with diaper. 第一次看到穿尿布的雞, .

December 2009 013
Las Vegas Casinos sightseeing. 參觀賭城.

December 2009 015
Waiting for the seat at the buffet. 在餐廳等位子, 肚子好餓哦.

December 2009 018
Silly boys 二個小男生.