Thursday, February 11, 2010

Letters to family in Taiwan from Xander and Khai 傑升和煒勳寫給台灣家人的信

Khai letter to ya ma-1
Khai draws that he's playing the firecrackers. He covers his ears.

Khai letter to ya ma 2
Wishing Ya-Ma Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day.

Xander letter to ya ma
Letter from Xander to Ya-Ma, wishing her happy birthday. Drew the picture of the firecrackers scared away the year monster and people wore red clothes.
傑升寫信給阿嬤祝她生日快樂和新年快樂. 畫了鞭炮把年獸嚇跑.

Xander letter to Chris
Letter from Xander to my sister, Chris, thank her for mailing the books to us. He drew he was reading books on his bunk bed.
傑升寫信給妙真阿姨, 謝謝她寄了好多巧連智給他和弟弟. 畫了他躺在床上讀巧連智.


crazy lady said...

Wow! He's quite the artist/storyteller! Those are fun :0)