Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Replacing our roof 修屋頂

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Closer look of the shangles, pretty bad huh?? 近距離看我們的屋頂. 瓦片都被曬的蹺起來了.

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Rip off the shangles. 把舊的瓦片先剷掉.

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Now the back is clear. 後面的剷好了.

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This big truck loaded new shangles onto the roof. 大卡車用吊手把新瓦片吊到屋頂上.

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Part of the new shangles. 舖上新瓦片.

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Watching a puppy whose owners were out of town for a week. Boys love her.
朋友要出去玩一個禮拜, 所以我們幫他們看狗. 小朋友們對小狗照顧得很周到.

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Our new roof from the front. 從前面看新屋頂.

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The new roof from the back. 從後面看新屋頂.

Visit Historic Kirtland 參觀教會聖地之一

Living in MI, we are 3.5 hours away from Kirtland and 8 hours away from Nauvoo. Sean had been so busy with his new church calling, so we decided to take a quick vacaton visiting Kirtland and giving Sean more time with boys before school starts.
住在密西根, 我們只有3.5個小時和8個小時車程去2個不同的有名聖會聖地.想說趁著還沒開學前, 我們趕快找一個週末去參觀離我們3.5個小時的聖地.

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Following the tour guide to see the water mill. 以前的教徒用水力來鋸木頭

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It was fun listening to the mill truning.
就是這個會隨著水而一直轉動且啓動鋸子. 聽它轉動的聲音很舒服.

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Learning how the saints using this big stove to creat many job opportunities.

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My grandma used to have a stove just like this, except smaller.
記得我家阿嬤也有一個類似的炉爐, 只是比較小一點.

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Joseph Smith drove their sleigh and entered the front door saying: ‘You’ve prayed me here, now what do you want of me?’,10634,1835-1-1-1,00.html

這個雜貨店在當時是很熱鬧的一個地方, 很多人在這買東西. 先知從別的地方搬到這裡, 這雜貨店是他的第一個停站點. 後來變成教會的重要聚點之一.

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The storage room. 儲藏室.

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Upstairs of the store. These table and chairs belong to Joseph Smith, they were original.
這是先知的桌椅. 是原品,不是仿製品哦.

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Joseph Smith stepped on this rock and gave talks to hundreds of people at John Johnson Farm.

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Big kitchen used to serve the prophet and family. 這個廚房在當時算是很豪華.

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Playing on the big rock while parents talking to the missionaries.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Last 2 weeks in June 2010 六月的最後2個星期

Few things that we did in the last 2 weeks of June:

Pei-I had her hair permed: It was more than 15 years ago since I had the hair perm, so my new hair became straight 2 days after the work. I went back to the salon and asked them to redo it without charging. It became much curlier but not as curly as I would like.

我燙頭髮了. 回想上次燙頭髮好像是10幾年前的事了. 所以頭髮剛燙了2天就已經直了. 回去髮廊再重新補燙. 有比較好了可以還是不是很捲.

2010-06-03 - Sean & Pei-I
Before the perm. 燙頭髮前.

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After the perm. 燙頭髮後.

Time to fly back to the State. It was sad leaving my family and all the yummy food, but we were ready to go back home and be independent again.

時間過的好快, 一轉眼我們又要回美國了. 很拾不得離開家人及許多美食, 可是我們已經準備好要回家再過獨立的生活了.

It was dark and cloudy before boarding. 搭機前外面烏雲密布.

Going home to see Sean soon. 回家去找爸爸囉.

Discovered tadpoles on the top of the swim pool cover while showing off the pool to our family in Taiwan. Sean was laughing when I showed him our new discovery. Actions of rescuing these tadpoles were taken: cleaned the fish tank, caught them and placed in the tank, fed them and released them in the lake (twice). Of course we also rescued and buried some when we used hoses to sucked out water from the cover. I think there were at least 200 tadpoles in our cover.

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Caught them. 抓到了.

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Before releasing them. 要放生囉.

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Have a good life and don't let fish eat you. 小心不要被小鳥或大魚吃掉囉.

回家後馬上跟家人視訊報平安並秀游泳池, 突然發現有黑黑的東西還會游. 蝦米, 我們的泳池蓋子上竟然有成千上百的蝌蚪. 哇, 在這個家裡住了五年這還是第一次發現泳池上有蝌蚪. 我們用魚網盡量把蝌蚪撈起來並放進重見陽光的魚缸裡. 趕快去超市買魚飾料來餵它們. 接著帶蝌蚪去河裡放生. 我們總共去了2次. 用水管把蓋子上的水吸出來時發現有些蝌蚪算一算