We visited a paper factory, had a tour learing about how papers were made. We even made our own paper fan. It was really fun. 參觀紙廠, 觀看紙的製作過程並且親自製作紙搧.
Sean wanted to make one and take that to his office. 肖思也來做一個可以帶到辦公室去秀.
Working hard. 學作搧好好玩.
Finished product. 作好了.
We meet Pei-I's family at a family owned hotel. It was a family reunion + vacation for the Lee family. It was nice that we can get together and enjoy the nature. kids got to know their cousins better and had fun looking for beetles.
我們和其他家人在埔里碰面. 這可是十幾年來我們全家總動員一起出來玩呢. 山上的空氣很好, 大家慢慢的散步並找獨角仙.
Deep fried bumblebee. Everything tasted good when you deep fried it. Khai ate more than 20 of them, we forgot to take the picture of him eating it. Xander wouldn't even try it.
炸烽蛹. 還不錯. 煒勳吃了20幾隻, 傑升卻一隻也不試.
Nice view, but the entrance fees were too expensive, so we just took pictures.
很漂亮的地方, 可是門票太貴了. 在此拍張相就好了.
Had a boat ride with the Lee family in the Sun Moon Lake. The boat took us to different spots along the island. It was fun hanging out with my family. My dad said he took a boat ride 14 years ago on this lake. There were many tourists from Mainland China.
大家能夠排除萬難一起出來遊玩真的很特別. 問爸爸多久前在這乘船, 他說:14年前. 在澄清湖乘船. 遊艇帶我們到幾個定點去玩, 風景很漂亮, 美中不足的是到處都是大陸客, 人擠人, 連上個廁所也要插隊.
Xander the snake. 屬蛇的傑升
Khai the monkey 屬猴的煒勳
My sister, Chris, has a friend who has a grape farm. We tasted the grapes that were picked right in front of us and were able to pick some as well. It was a very neat experience.
我姐夫的朋友有個葡萄園, 所以親愛的阿嬤就採了新鮮的葡萄讓我們嚐試並讓我們現採一些葡萄.
It was fun looking for right grapes to pick. 找熟的葡萄.
This had been a great mini vacation for us, thank you everyone for making it happen. We are so lucky having such nice family.
好好玩的一趟旅行, 謝謝大家排除萬難和我們一起來共享這難得的經驗. 沒有了你們的參與, 這趙旅遊就沒有那麼特別了. 感恩哦.