Thursday, July 01, 2010

Mini vacation 清境農場 part 1

We took a 4-day vacation to visit Cingjing Farm, which locates in the middle of Taiwan, with my sister and her family. The farm is 1,750 meters above the sea and when we arrived the hotel, we were amazed by the breath taking scenery. Many white clouds were among the mountains and it was so quiet. You need to be here to see it.

2010-06-03 -  From our balcony 1
Beautiful view from our hotel 從房間照出去的景色

2010-06-03 -  Sean & Pei-I on the balcony
Enjoyed the view. 很漂亮的風景

2010-06-03 -  Khai posing in the tub
One of the highlight of the hotel is this beautiful Asian bathtub. It's a new experience of enjoying the hot bath while watching the beautiful views. 這家旅館最大的特點就是這個迷人的浴缸了. 泡澡時看著美麗旳景色, 真的是人生一大享受

2010-06-03 -  Xander & Khai in the tub
Boys enjoy the bathtub. 泡澡好好玩哦.

2010-06-03 -  Kids on the bed
Let's take a picture on this comfortable bed. 好舒服的大床.

2010-06-03 -  Family by road
Nice weather, beautiful view. 在青青草原旁照張相

2010-06-03 -  kids with bees
Visiting the bee farm and tasted pure honey. Yum. 參觀蜂蜜場並嚐試新鮮的蜂蜜

2010-06-03 -  Family at the top of the mountain

The hightest point of Ho-Huan Mountain. It was scary driving on the narrow and curvy mountain roads and past cars from opposite direction. Chris did a fantastic job of driving the van. I know I couldn't do it. It started raining and thick fog appeared right after we took this shoot. We barely can see the road, so decided to go back to hotel.

武嶺是合歡山的最高峰. 可是開了彎彎曲曲的山路上山真的很可怕, 有時還要在很窄的地方會車.幸好大姐小心慢慢的駕駛車子, 我們才能平安到達最高峰. 照了這張相後開始下雨並且有濃霧, 路上幾乎都看不清楚. 為了安全起見, 我們決定回旅館休息.

Can you see the fog? 濃霧.

2010-06-04 -  At the waterfall
We decided to get out of the mountain because we couldn't see anything for 2 days due to the thick fog. The weather turned clear at the bottom of the mountain. We saw a waterfall and decided to park the car and take a walk. It was a nice and relax walk.
由於這2天在高山上都是濃霧, 所以我們決定早點下山. 一下山天氣就晴朗了. 看到一條瀑布決定去走走. 窩了2天覺得這樣走走看看好開心.

2010-06-04 -  Paley is thirsty
After a long hike, we were so thirsty. I could use some water. 哇, 好口渴哦.

2010-06-04 -  In the stream
Put our feet in the stream, the water feel so good. 冰涼的水好舒服.

More to come...... 請待續......


Chris said...

Please try to come home again sooner and longer....

crazy lady said...

Oh that looks like SOooo much fun! LOVE the high mountain views and looks like the boys enjoyed the tub...
You REALLY were thirsty! Great photos!