I enjoy watching my sister adding new video clips about her baby on her blog. I got to see her baby's action and see my house and family in the background. Sean has been really busy at work and I really want to try it, so I shoot a short video clip of Xander and Khai helped me peeling carrorts and managed to transfer this video clip to my computer. I was amazed how easy to upload to the web. I guess it's too early to tell, have to see how it looks like after I done editing this post. If it works great, then you'll see more actions from our family in the future and Pei-I would be very happy to take over updating our blogs. Please don't laught at her English and she is very proud that she managed to post a video clip and wrote her first page of blog.
我平常很期待大姐貼新的網頁, 因為她常常會放小寶貝的影片, 而在影片背景上我可以看到家裡或熟悉的地方及看到家人. 受到大姐的影響, 我也想放些小朋友的影片上來我們的網站, 這樣2邊的家人都可以看到小朋友成長的過程.
可惜老公最近上班太忙了, 沒有辦法教我, 自立自強好了. 問了大姐怎麼將影片上傳到網頁, 她說每個網頁的做法都不一樣. 好吧, 那我來試試看好了..先拍一小段影片再存到我的電腦上..吔, 我的網頁居然很簡單就可以上傳影片吔.. 好, 打幾個字再來看看會不會成功. 如果成功的話, 大家就可以常常看到我們在美國的日常生活了哦.
Ha, I told you, it's not that difficult....
Did you try the video? I couldn't view now!
Nice work with the video. Kai has some nice carrot peeling skills. If they ever make it an Olympic even he's a sure thing. Fun to see the boys in action- though you may be violating child laobr laws there :0)
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