Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Making dumplings 包水餃

Xander's dumplings

Pei-I's dumplings
The future chef.

Xander has been asking me to make dumplings for a while. I thought I'll make them before school starts. Mix all the ingredients and Xander is pretty excited to help me. He followed my instructions and started making yummy dumplings. Khai also tried to make some, but he got frustrated that he couldn't make one, so he went on playing toys. Tonight's dinner is boiled dumplings and fried dumplings. Yummy.

傑升已經問了好幾次可不可以包水餃, 想說趁開學前趕快做一做吧...好, 去超市把材料買一買, 混在一起. 開工囉. 傑升很興奮的在旁邊看我包, 他迫不及待的想要露一手..試了幾回他就可以把皮壓的很緊了吔..真是厲害...當天的晚餐就是煮水餃及煎餃了..嗯, 好吃.


Anonymous said...


crazy lady said...

Yum! I want to come to your house and eat fresh cherry tomatoes and delicious dumplings!