Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Harvest tomato in the garden 收採蕃茄

Isn't it fat?
I'm a good helper, see how many tomatoes that I picked?

Khai: "I want to help too.."

This spring we planted 4 tomato plants and they started producing a lot in the August. We pretty much collect at least 1 pint of cherry tomatoes every day. We enjoy them a lot. A few days ago we went to garden and found out there were so many black stuff on the garden, take a closer look and I found a big fat tomato caterpillar. Look at somewhere else, we found more caterpillars. I was being nice and thought they will become butterfly later, so I told kids to remove them to somewhere else.

Talking to Sean about my discovering on the phone, he told me to kill those caterpillars immediately; otherwise they would eat most of our tomatoes. Besides, these caterpillars will become moth not beautiful butterfilies. I couldn't find a big rock to smash them, so I told Khai to find a bucket from the sand box and add some water. We found 12 caterpillars that evening and put them all in the bucket. Feel bad to kill them all. Haven't seen any later on. Guess they went somewhere else to save their lives. That's right, don't mess around with Pei-I's garden.

今天春天我們家花園種了4 株蕃茄, 到了八月份開始生了好多蕃茄. 每天都有好多蕃茄要採, 今天的蕃茄特別甜. 前幾天和小朋友又去採蕃茄, 咦, 地上怎麼有好多黑黑的東西呀? 往上一看, 天呀, 一隻又胖又肥的毛毛蟲, 再往旁邊一看, 啊, 又有一隻, 再看, 大叫, 又有一隻....心裡想, 不要殺死這些蟲子因為它們日後會變成美麗的蝴蝶吔. 好吧, 叫小朋友幫我把它們抓到旁邊的樹下去放生..數了數, 共找到至少12隻胖蟲...跟老公講電話時他說要趕快把那些蟲殺死, 要不然他們會吃掉大部份的蕃茄. 他又跟我說這些蟲是害蟲, 不要良心不安.....

在附近熊熊找不到大石頭壓死它們, 只好叫弟弟去拿桶子來裝些水..狠心的把這些蟲子們都丟進水裡...還好後來的幾天都沒有發現那些蟲子了..也許它們變聰明, 跑到別人家去養生了.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

那妳就上網去找圖片看它長大後會變成什麼, keywork might be " flower bug" 如果不是變成漂亮的蝴蝶就用石頭把它壓死吧..反正是害蟲.


crazy lady said...

That caterpillar looks like it could eat New York in that picture! I guess you taught them a thing or two. I LOVE cherry tomatoes! They are the best fresh out of the garden. And what good helpers you have!