Look at my poor arm. 我可憐的手臂.
What? Did Sean beat Pei-I up? OH, no no no. I had trouble donating blood lately. Last time I didn't drink enough water, so the blood stopped coming out during the process. This tiem I learned, so I drank lots of water few days before I gave blood.
Guess what? THis was the second time that my blood stopped coming out during the process. The technicians then poked the needles around my arm and tried to get it going again. Seriously, they wasn't just poking, they moved the needle around and that really hurts. Finally they gave up and had to throw my blood away because it wasn't full so they couldn't use it. I was only few oz away. Ugh.
My arm was really sore right after that, and as you can see from the picture: I got pretty ugly bruse. I had to wear long sleeve shirt to Chinese school, in case people wondering what happened to me.
Other people didn't have trouble donating blood at the scene, so maybe something's wrong with me? Anyone knows why would that happen to me?
I'm going to give the 3rd try (at different places, not my church again, so maybe I would have better luck with different technicians?) and if I still have trouble donating blood and got ugly bruse like this, I'm going to stop doing that.
什麼? 我被家暴嗎? 沒有啦. 其實是捐血失敗.這已經是第二次烏青像這樣了. 上一次在教會捐血時, 我水喝不夠, 所以捐到一半血就不跑出來了.那些護士就抽針頭在血管裡到處移, 到處抽, 希望可以讓血繼續出來. 我忍了很久, 真的很痛, 實在是受不了了請他們停止. 因為血不夠一整袋,結果他們必須把那袋血丟掉. 我好心疼哦, 捐那麼多血不能幫助人就這樣被丟掉.
有了前車之鑑, 這次我喝了很多水. 結果還是一樣, 血捐到一半又不出來了, 我就只剩下一點點就滿一袋了. 結果護士當然又是在那又到處移針頭. 好痛. 血又不出來, 只好看那袋飽滿的血又被丟掉了.
隔了幾天我的手臂馬上就烏青一大片, 去中文學校上課時我還特地穿七分袖的衣服, 別的家長才不會在那大驚小怪說是不是老公打我. 看別人在那捐血時都沒有問題, 為什麼我就連續第二次出問題. 想說三個月後再試最後一次, 如果血還是半途就停的話我就不再去捐血了.