Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New refrigerator 新冰箱

Several weeks ago we noticed that our milk became creamy, we thought we just had bad luck getting a bad one. We went bought 2 more jars of milk and same situation happened. We bought a thermometer and tested the refrigerator, it was 50 degrees, so we've been having a warm refrigerator for a while, lucky nobody got sick. Sean cleaned the pipe and found out we had a leak (it's been leaking for a while and we didn't notice), maybe that's the problem. He shut the pipe off and later that night we discovered our basement was flooded. Water still came out from the vault, we had kids hurry grabbing all the towels we had in the house and tried to move stuff around and dry the floor. It was a very exciting night. The refrigerator was still warm after shutting off the vault. The refrigerator came with the house and we don't know how old it is, so time to shop for a new one.

We went to Best Buy, Sears and Home Depot to look around the next day, we were pretty tired out at the end. We went back to Best Buy and bought one that we think would fit under our cabinet. It's LG double sided stainless with freezer on the bottom. The store won't deliver until 4 days later, we had to buy a big bag of ice and stuff it in the refrigerator until new one arrives.

The new one looks pretyt sharp, don't you think? It's time to save $ and pay off the bill.

這幾天發現我們冰箱的牛奶壞掉了, 想說可能是運氣不好, 那再買2罐牛奶好了.吔, 還是一樣壞了! 是我們的冰箱有問題嗎? 把溫度調到最低並買了一個冰箱溫度計來看我們的溫度. 一量發現我們的冰箱太溫了, 難怪牛奶會壞掉. 肖恩當晚去地下室把水管(要做冰塊的那條水管) 關掉希望這樣溫度會較低 (他發現我們的冰箱已經漏水一陣子了, 因為水管下面的木頭都發霉了. 可見得我們的冰箱已經有一陣子已經很暖和了. 還好沒有食物中毒.) 結果當我們從中文學校回家時才發現我們的地下室淹水了 (雖然把開關關了, 可是還是繼續在漏水). 哇, 這可不是開玩笑, 叫小朋友們趕快把家裡能用的毛巾全部拿下來吸水. 我們2個就趴在地上到處吸水. 還好水是集中在一部份, 所以損失還不是很大. 我想這樣子也算是順便整理我們地下室吧.

隔天我們跑了3家店看了好多冰箱, 難題是我們的櫃子有一定的高度, 冰箱不能買太高的. 最後終於買了一台冰凍室在下面的不繡鋼. 因為白色和黑色的沒有現貨,所以店員給了我們200元的折扣, 可是要等到4天後冰箱才會到.我們就只好先買一大袋的冰塊塞在冰箱裡暫時緩衝囉. 傳統的冰凍室是在上面,每次要開冷藏室時都要彎腰找東西. 看的這台冰箱冷藏室剛好就在視線範圍內,不用彎腰.又可以兩邊開門.

我們很想買門前旁有冰塊和水的冰箱, 可是一看調查報告發現這種冰箱最容易壞了.想了想, 還是買傳統的冰箱好了比較保險.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Violence? 慘遭家暴?

Look at my poor arm. 我可憐的手臂.

What? Did Sean beat Pei-I up? OH, no no no. I had trouble donating blood lately. Last time I didn't drink enough water, so the blood stopped coming out during the process. This tiem I learned, so I drank lots of water few days before I gave blood.

Guess what? THis was the second time that my blood stopped coming out during the process. The technicians then poked the needles around my arm and tried to get it going again. Seriously, they wasn't just poking, they moved the needle around and that really hurts. Finally they gave up and had to throw my blood away because it wasn't full so they couldn't use it. I was only few oz away. Ugh.

My arm was really sore right after that, and as you can see from the picture: I got pretty ugly bruse. I had to wear long sleeve shirt to Chinese school, in case people wondering what happened to me.

Other people didn't have trouble donating blood at the scene, so maybe something's wrong with me? Anyone knows why would that happen to me?

I'm going to give the 3rd try (at different places, not my church again, so maybe I would have better luck with different technicians?) and if I still have trouble donating blood and got ugly bruse like this, I'm going to stop doing that.

什麼? 我被家暴嗎? 沒有啦. 其實是捐血失敗.這已經是第二次烏青像這樣了. 上一次在教會捐血時, 我水喝不夠, 所以捐到一半血就不跑出來了.那些護士就抽針頭在血管裡到處移, 到處抽, 希望可以讓血繼續出來. 我忍了很久, 真的很痛, 實在是受不了了請他們停止. 因為血不夠一整袋,結果他們必須把那袋血丟掉. 我好心疼哦, 捐那麼多血不能幫助人就這樣被丟掉.

有了前車之鑑, 這次我喝了很多水. 結果還是一樣, 血捐到一半又不出來了, 我就只剩下一點點就滿一袋了. 結果護士當然又是在那又到處移針頭. 好痛. 血又不出來, 只好看那袋飽滿的血又被丟掉了.

隔了幾天我的手臂馬上就烏青一大片, 去中文學校上課時我還特地穿七分袖的衣服, 別的家長才不會在那大驚小怪說是不是老公打我. 看別人在那捐血時都沒有問題, 為什麼我就連續第二次出問題. 想說三個月後再試最後一次, 如果血還是半途就停的話我就不再去捐血了.


Toledo Zoo 動物園一遊

Our zoo membership was about to expire and it was Mother's Day weekend, so we decided to visit Toledo zoo. We arrived the zoo right when it just opened. It was windy and cloudy, so not many people at the zoo yet. We visited the monkeys first. We don't know if it's still early or not crowded yet, the bears and the chimpanzee were very active. The bear came to us and posed with us while we were taking pictuers. The chimpanzee was my high light of the zoo: he knocked the window with his palm when we approached to the window. I blow kisses to him, he then gave us several kisses back and even big smile faces. I never seen a chimpanzee in the zoo have so many inactions with people. Isn't he cute?

It was really windy and cold, so we didn't visit other sections and decided to take off and visit Costco instead. Few minutes after we left, it started to rain. We had a good time at the Costco, of course spent too much money there.

Kids were very well beheaved all day, even in the zoo. They walked the whole time and didn't complain about anything. We sure have good boys.

Amazing chimpanzee 可愛的人猿.

The bear says: "cheese!" 熊說: 我也要照相啦.

我們動物園的會員就快要到期了, 再加上隔天就是母親節, 於是我們一家人就開車去逛動物園. 我們在動物園剛開門就到了, 因為是會員所以不用和別人擠排隊買票. 我們想先去看猴子好了. 不曉得是不是因為剛開門或是還早的原因, 動物們都很活潑. 我們在熊館前照相時, 熊也跑過來和我們一起照. 那人猿就更絻了, 我們每一個人到玻璃窗前時, 那人猿就用它的手掌敲玻璃窗一下, 真的哦, 我叫弟弟過來看它又敲了一下. 我們很驚奇的在那抛飛吻, 它竟然也回我們好幾個飛吻, 甚至還笑了好幾下呢. 從來沒有在動物園裡看過這麼活潑的人猿.

本來還想去別區逛逛的,可是當天風很大又好像快要下雨了, 我們就決定提早離開去逛Costco. 就在我們離開的幾分鐘後開始下雨, 還好做了明智的決定.

小朋友今天一整天都表現的很好. 他們現在長大了,都會自己跟著我們逛動物園. 累了就休息一下喝水, 很替他們驕傲.

Monday, June 01, 2009

School End Ceremony 中文學校結業典禮

This Friday is Chinese school end ceremony, but we heard that one child just confirmed with swine flu; therefore, many families were absent.

Xander and Khai participated Speech contest, so they both won a small trophy and were very excited about it. But then Khai asked me why other kids' trophy are taller than his? I told him that those kids won first 3 places and that's why their trophies are taller. He'll have to work harder next year if he wants a taller trophy.

Both kids were being really good, they sat nicely on the floor. The whole ceremony ended faster than last year because lots of students were absent. I also received thank you cards and gift card from school as a teacher. Several parents came to me and thanked me teaching their child this yearand made me felt a sense of achievement. Those were my special moments of the day.

星期五就是中文學校的結業典禮了.今年我是老師,所以有特別禮遇可以坐在椅子上.一般學生是坐地上吶. 到了頒奬時,今年煒勳和傑升都有上台領優勝奬(噓,每位參賽者都有一個奬盃, 不要跟小朋友說哦). 2 兄弟倆在台上也很興奮的看著自己的奬盃. 只是一到台下煒勳看了前三名的奬盃問我為什麼別人的奬盃比他的高? 我說因為他們講的比較好, 得了前三名. 那弟弟如果你也要高高的奬盃, 明年比賽也要努力一點才有機會得.

兄弟2個人都乖乖的在坐在自己班上. 後來所有的老師也都被叫上台去被學校感謝一番還得到15元的禮卷. 最讓我窩心的是有好幾位班上的家長都跟我謝謝這年辛苦的教導他們的小孩, 讓我很有成就感.

Xander's field day

Xander's school had a field day that had 12 stations with different games. It was an all day event and I took Khai to cheer for Xander. Xander did really well, he ran fast and tried his best; although his classmates sometimes had better strategies than he did (for example the one that you sit on the car and move youself through the cones). That's o.k., the important part is that he had fun and he tried his best.

Khai also tried several games, he was frustrated that his balance or speed wasn't as good as Xander, but he forgot that he's competiting with the first grade and he's only 5 years old.

Boys went to bed very easily for us that night.

再過一個禮拜傑升的學校就要放暑假了, 所以今天學校有活動.有12個攤位, 高年級的大哥大姐們負責照顧這些攤位. 小朋友們以班級為單位到每個攤位去玩遊戲. 我和煒勳也去幫傑升加油. 只見傑升很努力的跑及玩每樣遊戲.

最讓我印象深刻的是坐在輪板墊上繞著障礙物用腳前進. 傑升坐上後很努力的用腳前進, 可是別的小朋友更厲害,他們往後坐然後很快的就用腳來前進. 這時傑升雖然看到對方很快, 可是他還是很固執的要用自己的方式划到終點再跑回去換下一個隊友.不知道為什麼我就是很感動.

煒勳後來也有試著玩一些活動,可是他很灰心為什麼他比哥哥跑不快也拿不穩東西, 我一直提醒他哥哥及他班上的同學都大他大歲, 等到今年秋天他也來上學就可以和同班同學一起玩了.

玩完遊戲學校發給每個小朋友一個冰棒. 大家都吃的很開心, 小朋友們那天晚上睡的很沈, 一定是累壞了.

Khai's last day with Mrs. Brown 學前班最後一天上課

Khai already had his graduation yesterday and today is the last time to play with his friends at the miniature golf course. Khai doesn't know how to hold the club but he's getting better at the end. Good bye, Mrs. Brown and friends.

煒勳昨天已經有畢業典禮, 今天是最後一天上課. 他們班今天要去打迷你高爾夫球. 煒勳的球桿都拿反了, 沒關係啦, 高興就好. 打完球後到旁邊的公園玩一玩, 跟朋友們說再見就準備打道回府. 吔, 媽媽我以後不用再開車送弟弟去上學前班了.