Monday, June 01, 2009

Khai's last day with Mrs. Brown 學前班最後一天上課

Khai already had his graduation yesterday and today is the last time to play with his friends at the miniature golf course. Khai doesn't know how to hold the club but he's getting better at the end. Good bye, Mrs. Brown and friends.

煒勳昨天已經有畢業典禮, 今天是最後一天上課. 他們班今天要去打迷你高爾夫球. 煒勳的球桿都拿反了, 沒關係啦, 高興就好. 打完球後到旁邊的公園玩一玩, 跟朋友們說再見就準備打道回府. 吔, 媽媽我以後不用再開車送弟弟去上學前班了.


crazy lady said...

Look out Tiger Woods!