Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Xander's 2010 New Year Revolution 新年新希望

2010 New Year Revolution 新年新希望

I discovered this homework from Xander's Friday folder.
My wish is: I write better at Chinese
I hope my wish comes true because: that mom won't have to tell me to write again.
If my wish comes true, I would feel: happy.

I asked him why he wrote that and he said he was doing bad last year with writing Chinese, but now he's doing much better, so he's very happy about it. Keep it up.

What a nice comment and he does doing much better with Chinese this year. We are very happy about that.

週末在整理傑升的作業, 發現這張很可愛的作業:
我2010年的新年新希望: 希望可以把中文寫好.
我希望我的希望可以成真, 因為: 這樣媽媽就不會叫我再寫一遍.
如果我的希望成真了, 我會: 很高興.

我很好奇傑升怎麼會有這種願望. 想了想, 會不會是從Idaho 回來了積了很多中文作業, 所以每天寫中文寫過頭了? 我有逼他那麼緊嗎? 後來昨天問他為什麼這樣寫, 他說: 因為我去年都學不好呀, 那今年我的國字寫的比較好了所以我很開心. 嗯, 小孩子的世界就是那麼單純.
註: 傑升今年的中字寫的真的很好哦. 尤其他會寫"妙真" 阿姨的名字. 回台灣時一定要叫他寫給你們看.


crazy lady said...

That's so cute! At least he's working on his skills. Tyson never did get any good at writing. But - he doesn't really need to at this point in the game as he pretty much does everything on the computer. (Don't tell Xander that though :0)

Chris said...
