Thursday, March 18, 2010

Khai & bandages 煒勳 和O.K.繃

Khai is a clumsy boy, he usually has bruises or scratches without knowing it. Whenever he sees a small scratch or big cut, a band-aid can stop the crying / pain instantly. He LOVES band-aid. We used to insit that no band-aids would be giving unless he was bleeding, but when we saw that they make Khai so happy, we gave in. Since then, I started carrying band-aids in my purse just in case we need one.

Our band-aid supplies were running low (you can guess who usually uses them) the other day, so I picked up the Snoopy and Action Hero band-aids. Xander came home that afternoon and showed me the scratch on his hand, so I put on an Iron Man band-aid on him after the shower.

When kids were eating breakfast the next morning, Khai saw Xander's new band-aid and asked "Where did you get the Iron Man band-aid?" Xander: "Mama gave that to me last night." I saw Khai started looking at his hands and leggs and found no scratch, then he went :" Mama, Sasha (our cat) bit me last night". Nice try, Khai.

煒勳是個手腳不大靈活的小男孩, 身上常常會有烏青或是小擦傷,有時走路時不注意也會受傷. 偏偏他又很愛貼O.K.繃,只要一貼上 O.K.繃, 小擦傷馬上就不痛了(他通常都會很快樂的說” 我自己去貼O.K.繃哦!” 我們本來都堅持要流血才能貼O.K.繃, 可是看到他為了一個小小的O.K.繃就可以那麼快樂也就隨他去了). 所以媽媽我呢開始在皮包裡放些O.K.繃以備不時之需.

我們的O.K.繃快要沒了(你猜也知道大部份都是被誰用掉的.)所以去店裡買了包史奴比和卡通英雄的O.K.繃. 當天下午哥哥回家時就告訴我他在學校時受傷了. 晚上洗完澡我給哥哥貼了一個鐵人的O.K.繃. 隔天當小朋友們吃早餐時, 煒勳看到哥哥的O.K.繃問: “你怎麼會有鐵人的O.K.繃?” 哥哥說: “昨晚媽媽幫我貼的”. 這時我看到煒勳很興奮的開始看了他的手和腳, 沒有擦痕, 他突發奇想的說” 我們的貓昨晚咬我” 希望我可以也給他一個新貼紙. 媽媽我當然是沒有給他囉. 當我說給老公聽時他也笑了. 看來家裡一定三不五時就要準備一些O.K.繃, 尤其是有卡通圖案的.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Khai lost his 1st tooth on 5/5/10 煒勳的第一顆牙齒

Khai's tooth had been loose for several weeks and while we drove to Chinese School last week, he was eating chips in the car and told me his tooth fell. He showed me his tooth, so tiny and so cute. He kept saying that he couldn't believe his tooth fell and the tooth fairy will come visit him tonight. Every since Xander lost teeth and got $$ from the tooth fairy, Khai was so jealous and had been asking when his teeth would fall. Now his dream came true. The tooth fairy sure brought him $$ under his pillow the next day.

煒勳的下面第一顆門牙已經搖了好幾個禮拜了. 在去中文學校的路上, 他們吃薯片,煒勳突然大叫他旳牙齒掉了.一看,好小的牙齒在我面前. 他一直說他不敢相信他牙齒終於掉下來了. 自從哥哥開始掉第一顆牙並收到牙齒仙女的錢錢, 煒勳就好羨慕, 一直問什麼時候他也可以掉牙. 現在終於美夢實現了. 他好期待牙齒仙女的到來. 果然在隔天, 弟弟很興奮的跑到我們房間並秀給我們看他旳錢錢.


Can you see my missing tooth? 你可以看到我少了一顆牙齒嗎?

Right afte Kahi lost his tooth, he told me that the tooth next to it is wiggly too and he was right. Maybe the 2nd tooth will fall pretty soon too. On Monday, 3/8/10, Khai came home and showed me his homework. I noticed that his 2nd tooth was missing. I asked him if he lost his tooth as school, he was so surprise to hear that. Ran to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. He came out so sad and worried that the tooth fairy wouldn't come and give him $$ because he lost his tootoh without knowing it. We told him to write a note to the fairy and maybe she would still come and visit. Of course tooth fairy came that night. Khai lost 2 teeth in 3 days, he needs to slow down otherwise he would have no teeth to chew.

當煒勳秀給我看他的牙齒時, 他馬上說旁邊的那顆牙也在搖.一摸, 果然很鬆.想說隔天再幫他錄影下來. 那知星期一下課後做功課時竟然看到煒勳的第二顆牙不見了. 我問他是不是在學校時掉了牙齒, 他一聽,愣了一下馬上衝到廁所去看鏡子. 哇, 他連牙齒掉了竟然都不知道.一定是吞到肚子裡去了啦.他出來後垂頭喪氣的說牙齒仙女不會來找他並給他錢了因為他沒有牙齒可以塞在枕頭下. 我叫他寫張紙條給仙女說如果有找到牙齒會還給她牙齒, 可不可以還是給他錢錢. 結果隔天仙女果真給他錢哦. 3天內就掉了2顆牙齒. 弟弟你的速度要減緩一點要不然到時就沒牙齒可吃飯了.



I now lost 2 teeth. 我掉了2顆牙囉.

Mother son dance Feb. 2010 母子會 2 月 2010


Boys' school has annuel Mother Son Dance and this year I got to go with both Xander and Khai. Khai was very excited about it because he had to stay home with Dad in the past 2 years while I went to the dance with Xander.

小朋友的學校每年都會舉辦母子舞會. 今年煒勳終於可以和哥哥及我一起去參加舞會, 他好高興哦.


Khai's student teacher drew this poster. We borrowed it for the background.
煒勳班上的老師畫了這個壁報, 我們把它借來當照相背影.


We ate dinner and most of the boys went to gym and played with their friends while the moms sat and talked to other moms. They played one slow song and I got to dance with my cute boys. It was a fun date.

吃完飯後大部份的男生都跑去活動館去跟朋友玩而大部份旳媽媽們就坐在旁邊跟其他旳媽媽們聊天. 學校當晚有放了一首慢歌,所以媽媽們可以跟他們旳兒子們跳舞. 我當然把握機會抓兒子們來跳舞囉.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Taiwan sick 想台灣

We are going to Taiwan in the end of the May and boys are super excited about it. We haven't visited Taiwan for 3 years. One night we were talking about what we can do in Taiwan and Xander said "I'm Taiwan sick". He learned "Home sick" at school and now he misses Taiwan, so he said "Taiwan sick". We thought it was very cute.

在五月底時我們就要回台灣了. 當我們告訴小朋友們我們要去台灣玩時傑升一直說他好想念夜市,好高興他和弟弟可以去夜市玩. 然後他就蹦出 "I'm Taiwan sick". 美國人說當你想家時, 你說" Home sick . 而傑升想台灣, 所以他就說 "Taiwan sick" 好可愛的童言童語.