Sunday, March 07, 2010

Taiwan sick 想台灣

We are going to Taiwan in the end of the May and boys are super excited about it. We haven't visited Taiwan for 3 years. One night we were talking about what we can do in Taiwan and Xander said "I'm Taiwan sick". He learned "Home sick" at school and now he misses Taiwan, so he said "Taiwan sick". We thought it was very cute.

在五月底時我們就要回台灣了. 當我們告訴小朋友們我們要去台灣玩時傑升一直說他好想念夜市,好高興他和弟弟可以去夜市玩. 然後他就蹦出 "I'm Taiwan sick". 美國人說當你想家時, 你說" Home sick . 而傑升想台灣, 所以他就說 "Taiwan sick" 好可愛的童言童語.


Chris said...

I am Xander sick.
I am Khai sick.