Boys' school has annuel Mother Son Dance and this year I got to go with both Xander and Khai. Khai was very excited about it because he had to stay home with Dad in the past 2 years while I went to the dance with Xander.
小朋友的學校每年都會舉辦母子舞會. 今年煒勳終於可以和哥哥及我一起去參加舞會, 他好高興哦.
Khai's student teacher drew this poster. We borrowed it for the background.
煒勳班上的老師畫了這個壁報, 我們把它借來當照相背影.
We ate dinner and most of the boys went to gym and played with their friends while the moms sat and talked to other moms. They played one slow song and I got to dance with my cute boys. It was a fun date.
吃完飯後大部份的男生都跑去活動館去跟朋友玩而大部份旳媽媽們就坐在旁邊跟其他旳媽媽們聊天. 學校當晚有放了一首慢歌,所以媽媽們可以跟他們旳兒子們跳舞. 我當然把握機會抓兒子們來跳舞囉.
Fun! You always do such fun things.
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