Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day 2010 母親節快樂.

There are 2 holidays that I have excuse don't need to do dishes or cooking yearly: Mother's Day and my birthday. This year on Mother's Day, Xander woke up early and made us Xander's famous scramble eggs + toasts with apple juice. He even cleaned the dishes. We've been trying cooking breakfast several times and today I can mark off this assignment from his cub scout requirements.

At church, all sisters received a flower at the end of the sacrament and even a strawberry pond cake at the end of the meeting. We sure got special treatments this day.

每年有2個節日我有正當的理由不用煮飯及洗碗: 母親節和我的生日. 今年母親節較特別的是傑升幫我做早餐. 因為他參加了幼童軍, 其中一個要求項目是幫家人準備一頓飯及整理碗盤. 我們已經練習了很多次, 所以今天我幫他把東西都拿出來, 他就自己打蛋及煮蛋. 煮的很好吃呢.他也慢慢的把髒盤子沖乾淨放進洗碗機裡.好感動哦. 嗯,這項要求過關.

在教會時, 每個成年的女士都收到一朵花, 而在最後的15分鐘男士們還招待我們吃草莓蛋糕. 真是皇后般的享受.

Boys BBQ some baby back ribs, made cole slow and creamy potato salad. Dinner was great and Khai volunteered to clean the dishes. The royal treatments will be disappered after mid night. Happy Mother's Day.

當我午睡時, 肖恩和小朋友們準備了生菜沙拉, 馬鈴薯泥和烤肋排. 我們吃的好高興. 煒勳飯後幫我們洗碗. 女王般的待遇將於午夜12點消失. 祝大家母親節快樂.

2010-05 017
Khai helped washing dishes after dinner.