Thursday, June 03, 2010

Xander's 1st Spellingbee Contest @ WPA 2010

One day Xander came home showing me a certificates stated that he was the champion of the spellingbee in his class and was going to present his class to attend the schoolwide spellingbee contest.

有一天傑升回家後給我一張紙, 上面竟然寫著傑升是他們班的拚音冠軍, 然後隔幾天要代表他們班去參加校際拚音比賽..

Xander did pretty well for few rounds, but then made a mistake and got disqualified with a very good attitude. We were very proud of him. Xander said he would like to attend the contest again next year.

前幾輪很簡單, 傑升也都拚對了.可是後來拚錯了一個字所以被淘汱了. 傑升沒有哭鬧, 反而很有風度的一鞠躬笑笑的下台. 大家都給他鼓勵的掌聲. 雖然只參加了短短的幾輪,可是傑升說他明年還要再來參加拚音比賽. 我就趁機跟他說那就平常時就要多練習拚音.


crazy lady said...

Good for him! I remember getting a stomache ache when we would have those growing up. I was a good speller but pretty much psyhed myself into failure. Early preformance anxiety - he seems to be a natural :0)